Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tanning in February...I LOVE Spain.

         As I am typing this Blog post I am sitting outside of the Hostel in a tank top soaking up the sun before class. Honestly, I never want to leave Spain (Mom and Dad how does moving here sound!?)
          Yesterday before class Adrian and I went on a run that eventually ended up turning into a four mile walk. The weather was just way too gorgeous to be inside at all. We walked along the River, past the Golden Tower, past the city center and more. Every second I am in Spain (with the exception of my Spanish class) I just love life. This country is truly amazing.
       We walked by a cute castle that the Queen of Spain donated to the park and government on our walk. It is an informational center now. There are so many buildings and castles like this one on every corner in Spain.
There was a lot of work being done on the walkway along the river. Adrian and I stopped for a little to watch the workers. That evening when walking by the river again we stopped by the same spot where the workers had been earlier...they had finished their project.
We came across a really nice area right on the water. It was filled with benches to sit on and beautiful trees. 

      Adrian and I walked past a place where you can rent boats- paddle boats, canoes, etc. It was only ten Euro for a few hours. We are going to go next week during the day. The Golden Tower actually just opened up to climb to the top as well. We are going to do that next week too.
      Tomorrow we are going to Portugal... the city in Portugal is called Algarve and is right on the Mediterranean Sea. On Saturday and Sunday we are going to Madrid. 
      At lunch today one of our friends made a comment that the days here go by so quickly. Between class and this gorgeous weather I feel like time is slipping through my fingers. 
After Class:
       Today I had another rough Spanish class. I left the class in tears as I was humiliated once again. After Spanish I had Ethics which went much better. I really enjoy my Ethics class and the discussions we have. 
     After class Adrian and I rented bikes. It costs 10 Euro for a bike for a week. The system of renting bikes they have here is really cool and unique. Seville has a really intense bike program because years ago Seville was a very undesirable travel destination because it was so dirty. In order to try and reduce smog and gas exhaust given off by the thousands of cards in Seville the government revamped the transportation system. They encouraged the people of Seville to buy or rent bikes through their convenient and cost efficient system. They redid all of the roads making them smaller and the bike paths larger. They redid their bus system as well making the public buses more convenient and cost efficient as well. They jacked up gas prices and encouraged all to bike or walk it...or deal with hefty traffic and radical gas prices. Lets just say, everyone is constantly walking and biking. There are bike rental stations on every corner. I did not take a picture today of the bike racks...but I will take one when it is light out. 
     We rode the bikes really far all the way to the other side of the city center. From there we bought our bus tickets at the main bus station for our trip to Madrid for Saturday and Sunday. The bus station is about three miles away from campus. We had to bike fast back to campus from the station in order to make it in time for dinner. It was a really nice bike ride though right on the water. When we got in front of the Golden Tower there was a elementary school group of children playing a band concert. We stopped and listened for a little. They were actually pretty good.
     Next Tuesday we have off from school because it is a national holiday in Spain. In Spain they have a policy that where there is a holiday you get the day off before the holiday as well. So, all of the schools and businesses here will be closed both Monday and Tuesday. St. John's is just giving us Tuesday off for our professor's sake. We are trying to plan a day trip to the beach or to some historical ruins.
    I will probably be heading to bed soon considering we have to be up early for Portugal in the morning. I am so excited. Busy weekend ahead! I may not have time to write until Sunday... I apologize this Blog wasn't too exciting...but I wanted to make sure I wrote one before I left!!!
   As always thanks for reading :) Have a fabulous weekend in the States!

XOXO Shann


  1. I think we need to get you a job with the travel station. I love your pictures and learn so much. Keep up the good and informative work.

    Love You,

  2. Hola Shannon,

    I LOVE the info regarding the bike system. I think CP DESPERATELY needs something like that. Do you think it could help transform CP into a town full of bikes, and paths, and tree lined streets and small businesses... CP seems to make all the roads BIGGER which just brings more cars.
    I'm for narrowing all the roads and making more paths for bikers and walkers. Won't make me a very popular girl though.

    Can't wait to see some pics of Spanish food. If you have the chance to try PAELLA do not miss out!!Paella in spain is fantastic.

    Senora M
