Monday, February 20, 2012

Jumped off of a 60 foot bridge today and I am still alive to write a Blog about It!

   Sorry mom and dad!! Today was such an awesome day! I got to check something off of my Bucket List! We Bungee Jumped (technically the cord we used wasn't a Bungee Cord though) off of a Bridge about forty-five minutes outside of Seville. The area itself was located in Antalucia and the specific area the bridge was at is called Aznalcollar in Spanish. The bridge itself was sixty-feet tall. The height of the jump also depends on the water it was a sixty-foot jump, but on some days the jump is as high as seventy-feet. It has been opened since 2003 and there has never been a single accident in all of that time. Approximately twenty-six St. John's students went today and the organization we did it through picked us all up right at our Hostel.
    When we first pulled up to the sight I knew it was going to be a great day. Located in the mountains of Seville, is was a breathtaking sight.

     The bridge itself was very intimidating, but despite being terrified I knew I could not chicken out. Adrian and I signed up to jump in the number ten slot. There were other people besides St. John's there jumping including a SEVENTY year old man!! It was his first time jumping. His jump actually got me really choked up. His friend, son and daughter-in-law were all there to watch. He was so excited and all dressed up for the occasion.

If he is brave enough to jump...I must be as well!

Anthony was the first to jump out of our group of friends. He was a little nervous, but definitely the most pumped out of all of us. He has been skydiving before so this to him was a walk in the park!

After Anthony, Adrian and I were up. We were BOTH so nervous!! I was in tears... and I couldn't even help it (pretty sure Adrian was in tears as well!) 

 I am wearing a helmet because for ten extra Euro you could get a video of your fall. I figured why not...this is definitely a once in a lifetime experience. The video is going to be emailed to me later this week!
The group counted to three and on three Adrian and I were to jump. "ONE-TWO-THREE!" the group screamed...and Adrian and I just stood there looking at each other like "Omg I can't do this." Poor Ricardo was filming our jump from the bottom of the mountain and had to restart the camera! "Okay no problem." One of the staff members said kindly. "We will pretend like that never here we go again.." Everyone chimed in. "ONE-TWO-THREE!" and off we went!!!!!!! Want to see the video of the actual jump?! click on "THE JUMP" below!  :)
 Honestly, I don't really remember the jump really. Neither does Adrian. I am pretty sure my fear and adrenaline blocked out the majority of the free fall. I remember swinging back and forth and the drop into the life raft in which they pick us up in. It was so exhilarating. I wish I had a lot of pictures to share of my first jump...but I was disappointed to find when I got back up that no one was able to catch it on camera :( Thankfully Ricardo did catch the video though! Adrian was able to get some awesome pictures of his first jump! So, I will share those pictures for now...don't fear though...I jumped again!

After Adrian and I went Nora went directly after and Ricardo went about thirty minutes later. They were both terrified, but I am happy to report all twenty-six of us that went from St. John's made the jump!

I might add the weather today was once again beautiful. Nearly seventy-degrees. I have a really nice sunburn to prove it (and I even put on sunscreen today!). Between sunbathing and watching people take "the leap" it was such an awesome end to an awesome weekend. Some people chose to jump in the water after they jumped off the bridge. They staff would release the rope and they would jump as high as they could and splash into the water. I opted out and in fact the only one out of our immediate friends that chose to jump in was Ricardo. On my second jump I came really close to landing in the water while trying to get in the boat. It was scary for a second, but we had a really good laugh after. 
 Because I was really bummed none got a picture of my jump Adrian insisted I jump again. I was really iffy about it...because one jump was definitely enough...but between him and Ricardo encouraging me I finally agreed. I am so glad I listened to them and have a ton of great pictures as a result. Another girl from St. John's jumped with me. You would think after going one time it wouldn't be as scary the second. WRONG. Not only was I once again terrified...but once again I did not go when the guy counted to three. Once I finally went...I think my scream could be heard from the States. Adrian said everyone was cracking up and that the faces I was making really was the icing on the cake. Adrian and Ricardo got some awesome pictures of me...but one of the boys on the trip has a professional camera and his pictures were SO cool. I am in the superman position flying through the air in one of them. He hasn't uploaded them yet so for the sake of timeliness I will have to exclude them from this Blog for now. I promise though I will post them when he does upload them. They are worth it! Even so, Adrian and Ricardo did a really great job!

       Despite being really scared we all conquered our fear. Out of my group of friends not a single one of us said we weren't scared because we all were. I really think that says something. All of us, yes including the boys, admitted they were terrified while standing on the edge of that bridge...yet we all knew we could not let fear hold us back. This is something I did for myself. I wanted to prove to myself that despite hating heights and any sort of roller coaster or ride..this was something I wanted to be able to say I did. I jumped off a 60 foot high bridge in Spain proudly wearing my sorority letters across my chest.... I did it!
      On the drive back from our excursion our driver explained a lot of the things we we were seeing. He really only spoke Spanish so Adrian was translating what he was saying. We passed by a huge set of Almond Tree's...I thought that was so cool...being a huge fan of Almonds! Our driver also explained we picked the best time to be in Spain. By June it can often be up to 113 degrees in the shade. I love the heat...but that might be a little too much!
     After our exciting day a much needed nap was in store. After I woke up Adrian and I went and got dinner. The ONLY place open on the entire strip (because it is Sunday, everything is closed) was a place called  Casa Felix. I was really nervous to eat here because I am picky. Adrian spoke to the owner in Spanish and right away he asked Adrian if he was from Mexico. Adrian responded his father is, but he is from California. The owner was from Mexico too and all excited that Adrian was here. He told Adrian he hopes his restaurant does not disappoint because the food is good, but nothing like Mexican food.
    I ordered an egg and French fry dish, but the owner told me it was really small (ended up being huge). Adrian and I hadn't eaten anything all day...which was not smart considering the activities we took on. He suggested the shrimp dish and wanting to try something new I said okay.  Adrian got Enchiladas, but the owner warned it is not like Mexican Enchiladas. Both of us were nervous while our food was being prepared we were not going to like it. Much to our surprise, it was one of the best meals I have had in Europe yet. The sauce the shrimp was cooked in was to die for and the egg was like nothing I have ever had before. Adrian's Enchilada dish reminded me of my moms Goulash...a little delicious taste of home. 

      When we were paying the bill Adrian told the owner in Spanish it was delicious. I said in English...we are totally coming back! After dinner I relaxed for a little and then off to sleep I went. Today is the first day of classes. GULP!
      I hope you enjoyed my Blog and I hope my mom and dad don't hate me too much now!!! Love you both!!! Have a wonderful work week everyone!

XOXO Shann

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