Saturday, February 11, 2012

Assisi ...Walking in the Footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare.

    Today I walked in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. Such an inspiring and humbling day. I went to Assisi the summer before Freshman year, but I did not get out of what I got out of it today.  In about six hours Adrian, Nora and myself toured all of Assisi and all agreed it was such a great experience.
    Our day started off a little rocky. The little snow that Rome had seen the night before (less then an inch) seemed to be upsetting the Metro and Train schedules. Our train ended up being about thirty minutes late. After we finally got on our train, the ride became tumultuous. The train was repeatedly stopping, it seemed as if we were sliding on and off the icy train tracks. It was terrifying. Before we knew it we were zooming through a tunnel and it sounded liked trees were falling on the actual train. After we finally got out of the tunnel the train came to a complete halt in the middle of nowhere on a bridge. We sat in the train for about thirty minutes without moving. The conductor came to the back of our cart and was looking out the window on his cell phone. We prepared for the worst. Thankfully, the train began moving again. The train stopped at the next stop (which was not Assisi) and had all of the passengers transfer to another train. Though our trip was a little behind schedule we did not mind as long as we were safe. Plus, I got some pretty cool pictures from the train.

    Adrian and I planned out our whole day the night before so we could make sure we didn't miss anything while in Assisi. We started out as some may refer to as the "Hidden Gem" right by Assisi. Technically, Santa Maria Delgi Angeli Basilica is not in Assisi. It is located about ten minutes away from the train station. 

They say it is not much to look at on the outside, but I beg to differ. 

I have to admit though, on the inside is the true beauty. Located inside of Santa Maria Deli Angeli Basilica is the church St. Francis built with his own hands. We weren't really aloud to take pictures, but I got a few anyway. It was such an amazing sight. Adrian asked a woman how this all got here, etc. She said St. Francis made the church by himself with his own hands and years later the Basilica was built in order to protect it. 

The picture is not very clear but the church St. Francis built is gorgeous, right in the center. The inside is a sanctuary and was filled with people praying, some were even crying. It was amazing to see such rich history. I wish we could have taken more pictures, but I understand this place was really not meant for camera flashing. It is too special. Towards the back of the Basilica is another humbling site. It is the actual cell St. Francis died in. Inside of it is two tissues with his actually blood on them. It gave me the chills. Once again we really weren't supposed to take pictures. I got a few.

        No matter your religious beliefs, seeing a place like this is such a striking experience. Nora had been to Assisi about a year ago as well. Neither of us had ever been to Santa Maria Degli Angeli. Its funny the difference a few years can make maturity wise. We both said we are so lucky to have this opportunity to come here again, because last time I really do not think I realized what I was witnessing nor did Nora. I didn't care back then to be frank. Today Adrian, Nora and I had such a humbling day. Two years ago I could not have said the same.
      Also inside the Basilica was located St. Francis' rose garden. Inside was located a cave St. Francis used to come and pray in. Also, was a rose garden that must be beautiful during the summer. One of my most favorite things was the St. Francis statue. When we first approached the statue the three of us almost walked right by it, until we realized the doves St. Francis was holding were ALIVE!!! They were two real doves!!! When we came back to see the statue on our way back through the rose garden one of the doves had flown out and was perched on a ledge near by. Wow!

      Assisi is located on top of a hill which is about a ten minute bus ride from the train station. The bus comes every twenty-minutes and only costs one Euro. The view from the bottom of the hill up to Assisi is gorgeous. 

      We started our trip in Assisi at San Rufino Cathedral. It was difficult for us to get a lot of information about the places we are visiting because we do not speak Italian and most everything was explained in Italian. Later on through the day though we found out Saint Rufino was a friend of Assisi whom prayed with him. The floor of the Cathedral was green glass that you can see through in order to see the ruins underneath. It looked like underground tunnels. It is said in there both St. Francis and Saint Rufino would pray. 

   Next we walked to Santa Maria Sopra Minerva church. It is a church dedicated to Mary that was built on top of the Ancient Roman Temple for the Goddess Minerva. Gorgeous on both the inside and outside. 

      On our way to find the church of St. Clare we walked by a Church that was not on our list of stops to see. We decided we might as well go in. It was called Chiesa Nuovo. Gorgeous on the inside. Walking out of Chiesa Nuovo we ran into a bunch of nuns. They were dressed like St. Francis basically so we assumed they were Franciscan nuns. They were wearing sandals just like St. Francis. I could NOT believe it. The temperatures were FREEZING and even all bundled up the three of us were shivering uncontrollably. Now that is dedication!   
    Assisi, a lot like Capri, is dead during the winter months. Often times we were the only ones in certain churches. Sometimes we would be accompanied my one or two friers or nuns. Other then that we basically had to figure everything out for ourselves. Some places we really just could not figure out what it was built for or why. Even so, it was a beautiful sight. 
     From there we stopped some people to ask where the church of St. Clare is. St. Clare, not always as recognized as coming from Assisi as St. Francis is, remains are in the church dedicated to her. The church is called Basilica di Santa Chiara.

      Inside is also located the famous cross figure that originated in Assisi. It was made in the 13th Century but the artist is unknown. All over Assisi you can find replica's on this cross, but only here is the original. 
This picture below is not an original, but shows a better look of the cross. 

In the basement level of the Basilica is where St. Clare's remains are. Also located down there is locks of her hair (I know, weird right?) the clothes she used to wear (not replica's her actual outfits!!!) and some of St. Francis' clothes as well. Once again I really wasn't supposed to take I did the best I could!

      The view from the outside of St. Clare's church is beautiful. You can see all of Assisi. It is crazy to think St. Clare probably saw this same view hundreds of years ago. 

I forgot to mention in between all of this sight seeing we got lunch! It was a really cute restaurant (one of the ONLY opened in all of Assisi) called La Lanterna. I got a delicious Pene dish in green sauce. It was also a nice break from the cold weather. 
After St. Clare's church we made our way to our main destination. Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi where St. Francis' remains are along with several other Saints such as St. Rufino. It is the home to the Franciscan Order of the Catholic Church. Last time I was in Assisi this was the only place I saw. It is such a site. From here you can see all of Assisi for miles and miles. The Basilica is breath-taking on the inside and outside.

In the bottom layer of the Basilica is where St. Francis' remains are located. There were a lot less people there since the last time I went, but I still witnessed a lot of people crying and standing in awe in front of his shrine. It is such an experience that I really cannot put into words. Not a great picture at all because we were not allowed, but I tried!

      What a day it was!!!! After seeing St. Francis we began our long walk in the cold back to the bus stop. We made our train right in time. We saw SO much today and had such a great experience. Eighteen Euro roundtrip...not bad at all!!!!! I am so glad I got a second chance at this trip. I truly did not get enough out of it the first time I went. Walking in the same footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare was truly astonishing.
        I made sure to soak it all in because I am not sure if I will ever be back in Assisi again. 
Our train ride took about two hours back. We grabbed a quick bite to eat at McDonalds before heading back to the dorm. We are all exhausted, but super excited to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa tomorrow! Its been such a great last weekend in Italy. 
       I rented the movie Angels and Demons for us because it takes place in Rome, but I think we are all too exhausted to watch tonight. Well, I am off to bed. Goodnight all! and as always THANK YOU FOR READING! :)

XOXO Shann

1 comment:

  1. WOW, you have taught me a lot!!!!! Keep learning and teaching kiddo. I enjoy every minute of your adventures. <3
