Saturday, February 18, 2012

Me Encanta España !

    Point blank...I love Spain!!!!!!  I honestly don't know if I will EVER be able to leave. I am obsessed!
   Omgosh...where to start!? Well I suppose with the trip itself. Our flight experience was not so great getting here. Our first flight flew from Rome into Madrid and It was delayed two hours. Our second flight from Madrid to Seville was delayed an hour. We also hit a lot of turbulence on the first flight. Even so, in the end we got to Seville and our hostel safely. We are staying in Interjoven Hostel right in the heart of Seville, five minutes from the University of Seville. The Hostel really accommodates St. John's- we even have a room here where we will be taking our classes, a computer lab and THREE meals a day in the Cafeteria.
     Before I get into orientation and what it has been like touring around Spain...I need to back track a ways!!! All the way back to Italy!!!!! Italy seems like years ago now that we are in Spain. The morning we were to leave Adrian and I got up early and finished packing up our lives in one suitcase to move onto our next five week stop. We brought out suitcases down to the main lobby and were out the door by 8am to see the inside of the Colosseum which was opened for the first time in weeks. Apparently, we made it just in time. My mom informed me yesterday that the Colosseum is all over the news for being closed due to dangerous ice conditions inside. In fact, ironically, there were a ton of construction workers working on the walls when Adrian and I were there.  My mom said that they are afraid the walls of the Colosseum will break off and hit tourists on the head. Scary... I was there just two mornings ago! Adrian and I had such a great time at the Colosseum and got amazing pictures. There is nothing in the world like the inside of the Colosseum. We were so thrilled we made it!!!!

      I loved seeing all the historical architecture in Rome, especially the Colosseum. Picturing the gladiator battles and wild animals all inside the ring gives me the chills. I am so glad we got to do the inside of the Colosseum before we left. I would have been really disappointed if we missed out on that. It was a great way to wrap up five life changing weeks.
     After a long day of traveling and delays we made it to Spain! We got in around midnight and had just enough time to check out the Hostel. We have a balcony right outside of our room... I love it here.
     We had orientation the next morning bright and early. It was informative and pretty brief. St. John's has some really awesome events planned for us while we are here including a day trip to PORTUGAL, a bull fight and a movie at the Spanish cinema. Approximately twenty students did not show up to our orientation. St. John's got really upset because some of the behavior on this trip has been...well lets just say...less than acceptable. They are punishing all of those students by forcing them to have a makeup orientation on the day we are scheduled to go to Portugal. Those students are not allowed to go...uh oh!
      After orientation certain people that are taking Spanish and Language and Culture of Spain were brought to see the service sites in which we will be doing community service at throughout our stay here. I am taking Spanish with eight other people so we were brought to a High School in a poorer part of Spain. It was absolutely fascinating and I am so excited to start working there. We were introduced to some of the students. They are all around the age of sixteen or so. We are going to be teaching them English and practicing our Spanish with them. It is so exciting.
    After that we were all exhausted, but did some grocery shopping for shampoo and conditioner. Everything is SO much cheaper here. In fact, I got a 5 liter jug of water (the size of a two year old child!!!) for sixty cents!!!
     That night we went to dinner at a place called Simon's Food. I am happy to report it was delicious!!!!! I got a "Americano Sandwich" which was eggs, bacon, cheese and ketchup. It is the closest thing to home since I have gotten to Europe. Adrian's Spanish speaking skill is REALLY coming in handy. In fact, a Spanish speaking woman today told him he spoke excellent Spanish and English. It is so helpful getting directions and ordering meals. I am trying really hard to pick up as much Spanish as I can. After dinner a large group of us went to a club in downtown Seville that our friend suggested called Abril. It was huge and packed. The clubs here do not even open until midnight and close at 7am! If anyone knows Adrian and I we do not like staying out late!!! So we ended up leaving around 1:30..which was still WAY past our bed time anyway! We heard this morning a majority of SJU students did not even leave until 6am. Yuck.
      Today was by far one of my FAVORITE days in Europe. We got to really see Seville for what is has to offer and I can not ever imagine leaving here!! I love it so much. We started the day off with a Historical Walking Tour provided by St. John's around the city. The tour left right from our Hostel. The streets here are all lined with Palm trees and Orange trees. It is just simply breathtaking. It was so warm today too...nearly seventy degrees. I did not even bring a coat with me!


   Our tour guide pointed out to us various buildings within Seville. There are beautiful buildings each dedicated to Spanish speaking countries around the world all around Seville. There is a building for Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala, Morocco and more. Adrian was especially happy when we came across the Mexico building. The building is now owned and used by the University of Seville...just a five minute walk from where we are staying!

   The walk through Seville was breathtaking. It is an environment like none other I have ever experienced. It was a mix between Florida and California...with the historical aspect of Rome. Towards the end of the tour Adrian and I were behind the group taking some pictures. The group left without us! We didn't have anyone's phone numbers because we lost all our contacts when we got to Seville. So, we decided we would just do our own thing. We got lunch at a cute little restaurant on the strip, where the heart of Seville really is. We ate outside...baking in the sun. It was wonderful. I was so thrilled to be able to get a salad!!! And an inexpensive one might I add. Everything here is SO inexpensive..but yet high quality. It is a dream come true!

    After lunch we found a Starbucks also on the strip! There wasn't a single Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks in all of Italy...and we found two Starbucks and one Dunkin Donuts all within fifteen minutes of each other. Adrian and I had a great laugh when the Starbucks man interpreted my name "Shannon" as "Janet".

While drinking our Starbuck's coffee Adrian and I relaxed outside in the sun people watching. We both kept saying we feel like we are on vacation. When classes hit on Monday it will be quite the reality check!!! After Starbucks we ventured around Seville...we ended up spotting a Castle. We decided to go see what it was. Little did we know the Castle was actually the Golden Tower- named because it used to house Gold from the "new" America. 

         As we got closer to the Gold Tower we saw it was on the water! Adrian and I got so excited we practically ran the rest of the way. The river the Tower was located on is called the arabic word "Betis" but often referred to as "Rio Grande" or Big River now in the modern day. Originally, all of this land was owned by the Ancient Roman Empire. 
     The water was gorgeous. Lined with all different historical buildings, we couldn't resist going on a boat tour. It was pretty cheap for an hour and a half tour and more importantly It was so much fun!!! Our tour was in many languages- Spanish, English, French, German. I learned so much about all of the buildings and what Seville has to offer. It was such an AMAZING experience and made me fall in love with Seville even more. 

       We saw so much history on our boat ride I wish I could write about it all. I am just going to touch on a few things. First of all we saw the first maritime college built in all of Europe which was later turned into a Seminary and is now a building owned by the Parliament. 

    After that we saw a boat that was used in the 1929 exhibition. It was located in front of Maria Luisa Park. Personally, it was one of my favorite sights. 

   We saw approximately five famous bridges in Seville. One was in the Guinness Book of World Records, another was built in the early 1900's and another built during the 1992 exhibition. Each bridge was unique and different in its own way.

    We also saw the Theme Park of Seville called Magic Island- we may try to go to that before we leave. We also saw the Monastery of St. Mary of the Cave which was later turned into a Ceramic Factory. Also, the Royal Pavilion which was used in the expo of 1992 as well. A majority of the buildings, including the Golden Tower, are located right off of Juan Carlos walkway. The walkway was the same one we walk on to get to our hostel, it is right on the water. All day today people could be seen laying out, walking, running and riding bikes on the walkway.
   On our boat tour we also got to see the second largest bull fighting ring in Seville. 

We also saw a building...well more like a flat slab of wood high in the air titled towards the sun with a garden on top. It almost looked like some sort of "green" project. They did not explain it on our tour, but I couldn't take my eyes off of it. 


A majority of our tour was just so clam and relaxing. I even got a tan (more like sunburn ...but I tried!) Adrian and I had SO much fun. I cannot say it literally was a blast. After our boat adventure we made our way to the center of town where the Cathedral where Christopher Columbus' remains are located. It was by far the most gorgeous Cathedral I have seen yet in Europe...Yes, believe it or not it even beat the Cathedrals and Churches in Rome. 

     It is hard to tell from the pictures just how magnificent the Cathedral was. No picture could do justice the majority of things I have seen in Seville so far. It does not surprise me that Seville has the most historical architecture out of any city in all of Europe. I feel like even in my five weeks here it will be nearly impossible to see absolutely everything. This city is so rich in culture. The Spanish way of life is quite beautiful and  quite familiar at the same time. A lot of the culture here in Spain reminds me of America. Seville truly is a hidden gem within this world.
      While in front of the Cathedral Adrian and I walked by a Flamenco Dancing advertisement booth. He decided to stop and talk to the woman working the Concierge. The woman immediately fell in love with Adrian as he was able to speak Spanish to her fluently and then turn to me and translate what she was saying. We decided to go see the Flamenco show which she was advertising located at a nearby restaurant that night. We honestly would never have had the opportunity if it wasn't for the fact Adrian could communicate with the woman. The connections he has been making just because he speaks the language is absolutely astonishing. I feel like through him I have been able to immerse myself in the Spanish culture even more...and its just day two!
    The Flamenco show took place at 10pm and ran until 11:30pm. It was worth every single penny. For those that do not know Flamenco is a traditional dance created and done by the people of Spain. Sometimes people recognize the dance as the women with the long "poofy" dresses that use clappers on their hand or are snapping their fingers above their heads. Yet, it is also so much more.
      Little did we know before we went, but the place we went to named El Arenal has been one of the most prestigious and popular Flamenco clubs in Seville for the last thirty years. It is known around the world and even the New York Times commented on it saying El Arenal is the best place in the world to experience the art of the Flamenco. It was such an intimate and personal place. Adrian and I could touch the stage from where we were sitting. No pictures were allowed to be taken..and though disappointed at first, once the show started we understood would take away from the show if people were trying to take pictures the whole time. The show itself was mesmerizing. For nearly two hours I did not look away from the stage once, except to catch Adrian's reactions. No words...truly no words..can describe the art of the Flamenco.
       It is an artistic, sensual, emotional and a passionate dance all in one. Obviously, the performance was in Spanish. Despite not really knowing what the singers and actors were saying I could still feel their emotion. Through their movements, through their expressions and through their dance I felt like I was on stage myself. At times the Flamenco performance was extremely loud. Guitarists strumming hard and the singers belting out their words. At other times the guitars were soft while the singer whispered about the pain she was feeling about a lost lover. Towards the end it was just plain exciting. Two different couples dancing with clappers, stomping and smiling.
    The passion was what stuck out to me the most. One woman had tears in her eyes as she sang (sounded like opera...absolutely gorgeous) about the pain in her heart (corazón!). The voices, the movements..everything was so filled with such emotion and passion. On the walk home Adrian and I just kept saying "I can't believe that!" "Omg!" "I don't know how to put in words what we just saw!" at one point Adrian said "How are you going to Blog about this?! How can you explain this dance show!?" I am not sure I responded...but I am going to try. 
   I was able to get a few pictures of the outside of El Arenal and the stage itself. Once again..does not do justice!

    Included with the fee to see the show was one glass of Sangria which is the traditional Spanish wine mixed with fruit. I actually thought it was delicious! 
    After the show instead of taking a cab Adrian and I decided to walk the two miles back to our Hostel. It is such a beautiful walk and a spellbinding night out we couldn't resist.
   I cannot believe I have only been in Seville for two days. It feels like in two days I have accomplished so much...yet there is so much to Spain I have yet to see. I have already taken a boat tour, saw countless Historical buildings, seen a traditional Flamenco show and toured the heart of Seville. I am obsessed with Spain and my five weeks is just beginning. I beyond excited to see what more Spain has to offer!! Thank you for reading...I apologize for the delay in posts... as you can see it has been a busy few days! I promise to start writing more regularly and more detailed. I want to remember every single second of my time here in Seville. Have a great rest of your weekend! Rest up! :) Love you all!

XOXO Shann


  1. I love your blog!

  2. Hola Shannon,

    You have found your calling... travel journalism!
    Senora M.

  3. Thank you Emily!!!!
    and thank you so much Mrs. McDermott!!!! hmm...that is definitely an idea! I shall keep that in mind!
