Saturday, January 14, 2012

Orientation is over!

   Orientation is FINALLY over! And I have to say the end of orientation was excellent. We had an Italian Culture speaker...who is a native of Rome. He was absolutely hilarious and very helpful. He gave us some tips on the cultural differences and hotspots to go in Rome. One word of advice that I really took from him was never skip out on something because you are "too tired" or "we can just go tomorrow" because these 5 weeks in Rome are going to fly by. Before we know it we are going to be on the plane on our way to Spain and I never want to look back and think I should have done that and I never did. He also talked a lot about the night life in Rome and how the men here are very different than the men in America. I honestly always thought that was just a stereotype that ignorant American's had, but coming from an actual native Italian man it was interesting. He explained that Italian men get very little attention from Italian women. Italian women had to grow up learning to be extremely assertive and what some Americans women may consider out right rude to the overly friendly and obnoxious Italian men. Often times Italian men know American women will be nice and friendly even if they are not interested and they prey on that. In fact, often times the Italian men will go to American tourist clubs just for that reason. Laws here are also very different then that of America. If a woman willingly walks through the "threshold" of an Italian man's house she is committing to..well basically...she is committing to sleeping with him. She cannot then say after being in his house or apartment for ten minutes, I want to leave now I am not comfortable. It is just not how it works. Sorry if I am scaring you mom and dad! haha I just found it all rather interesting!
     Our speaker also encouraged us to stay away from Americanized areas and restaurants (Though I am REALLY craving a Dunkin Donuts iced Latte! haha) We are in Italy to immerse ourselves in the Italian culture, not to do things we can easily do in America.
      Italians pride themselves in always looking nice. You will never see a person out in sweatpants or sneakers. Italians, our speaker explained, want others to get a good impression of them based on how they look. Our speaker gave an example of a woman that lives above the local super market. She will spend two hours getting dressed, having her make up done and hair looking nice in order to walk down a flight of stairs to get a loaf of bread and then to immediately go right back up to her apartment. She may only be spotted by one or two people, but that still counts for something. He explained Italians were raised that way from early on.
    While shopping today we saw a little boy, probably four or five years old, wearing a Peacoat, scarf, skinny jeans and boat shoes. He was dressed so nicely, simply holding his moms hand. It was fascinating to see that culture difference right up front.
     There are so many dogs!!! I swear every five feet we walk there is a new dog. There was a dog like Murphy today (my Shitzu at home!) ...thats hair was so long the owner tied it up in pigtails!! The dog looked absolutely adorable.
   We have been doing a lot of walking and it does not take a genius to notice all the Italian people are skinny!!!! I really do not think I have seen one fat Italian since I have gotten here. I suppose that is also apart of the image the Italians like to portray and the fact their proportions of food are so much smaller then that of America.
   The sales right now on clothes and shoes are great. Everything seems to be 50 percent off. I haven't bought anything yet, but I have my eyes on a pair of heels and at half price they are 13 euro! I may have no choice but to find room for them in my suitcase....
   I really feel like my last trip to Rome was less focused on the culture and I am enjoying the fact I will be spending five weeks truly learning about the culture up front. Classes start Monday so that will be interesting.
    The food has been okay so far. I had some really delicious pizza for lunch and we are going to a nice restaurant up the street for dinner. I am looking forward to some Gnocchi! Nora has been looking up some places to travel that we can easily get to from Rome- Venice, Florence, Sicily and Greece are all prospects. This upcoming Friday we have a tour and are going to the top of St. Peter's Basilica. One of my favorite memories from Rome a few summers ago was the view at the top of Castel San Angelo where you can see the entire city of Rome. Tomorrow we have almost a completely free day to do whatever we want.
   Lastly, I finally have a phone! It is just a TracPhone but it is good in case of emergencies or getting separated. It makes me feel much better about getting in contact! It is almost time for dinner and then more exploring of Rome! Thanks for reading :)

XOXO Shann

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