Friday, January 13, 2012

First Post From Rome!

     After a long await I have finally arrived in Roma! It is so beautiful here and the weather is surprisingly gorgeous. Nora and I are in a double on the same floor with all of our friends. It is SO great being back with my friends and to reunite in ROME is even more exciting! I miss my family so much already, but I am beyond thrilled to be here.
    The Rome campus has had many additions since my last visit. More rooms and more bathrooms are here...along with several additional kitchens and laundry rooms. It is crazy going from a program of 25 to 100. A few students from other schools are here as well, making me feel very fortunate I am a SJU student. The campus was so welcoming and kind.
     Well I wish I could write more, but we are off to get dinner (6 hours ahead here!) and then to explore the great city of Rome.

XOXO Shann

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