Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homework, homework.....oh and some Bucatini All Amatriciana!

    Well, I wish I had a lot to write about tonight (mostly because I am sick of doing homework and this is a nice break), but today was a rather unexciting day overall. I've spent the ENTIRE day in the library with Adrian, Nora, and Anthony. They worked on their Theology paper, while I tackled my hours of Government- The European Union, online class homework. I finished my week one assignments and just as I submitted it the professor sent me seven additional pages to read (I already read two chapters from the awful textbook today and wrote a mini essay on it).
    The only break I took from homework today was the five minutes to eat the pizza and light coke Adrian delivered to me for lunch in the Library. After a very long day of studying and homework, the four of us decided we had to get out of the dorms for at least dinner. By the time we all were showered and wrapped up our homework it was 10pm. Thankfully, the Italians tend to eat dinner rather late. I must say, a horrible day ended on a fabulous dinner. I got Bucatini All put it in simple was basically a homemade Spaghetti with red sauce and bacon. It was so yummy. I've been doing a really good job of trying a different pastas each time we go out.

This restaurant we went to tonight was right by Piazza Di Popolo. We try to look for hidden restaurants, on side streets, where the number of tourists will be limited. We look for places that are crowded with a lot of locals, but tonight no one seemed to be out anywhere. The place we ended up going to was called Il Brillo Parlante.

     At first we weren't even sure if the place was even open, but nowhere seemed to be open tonight so we figured we would try. We had barley eaten anything all day, we were all pretty grumpy, and just wanted a nice dinner to enjoy. The bartender at the front of the restaurant signaled us to come inside and then directed us down a staircase. We thought the restaurant was pretty empty, but at this point we did not care. To our surprise, the restaurant was filled with locals and absolutely gorgeous. If not my favorite restaurant so far in Italy, it was definitely my second favorite. The atmosphere was just so pleasant. The waiter was friendly, even overly friendly when we tried to hand him our plates (apparently people in Italy do not help the waiter clean up) and the food was all homemade and delicious. The walls of the restaurant were covered in black and white photos of people eating. We are not positive, but we think it might have been photos of famous people. The people sitting next to us had a traditional style dinner, where they start with a salad, then meat, then the main course, then dessert and so on. We all decided before we leave Italy we will have to eat like the locals do. Getting just a dish of pasta apparently is an American thing. I loved every second of our dinner, and for a little while, I almost forgot about all the homework I had waiting back here at the dorm.
      We decided to reward ourself with dessert tonight, and we figured this restaurant was the perfect place to do so, because our main course was so good.  Adrian and I split a Tiramisu, a dish I have never had before...and LOVED. For those that have never had it, it is sort of like a coffee cake with pudding and whipped cream.

     Anthony got a Cheesecake and Nora ordered a Hot Chocolate. I have to say...Nora's Hot Chocolate experience was hilarious. She asked the waiter sweetly, "Do you have hot chocolate?" and the waiter gave her a funny look. He hesitated and looked puzzled, but then shook his head yes, "Oh, yes. I can do that for you." He said in his thick Italian accent. The waiter came back with literally a cup of melted chocolate. It tasted and looked like he had melted down a hershey bar and put it in a cup for her. It was funny and cute that he thought that she meant a melted Chocolate bar by asking for "Hot" Chocolate that we all decided to pass it around and have a little. For me, a girl with a Chocolate addiction, it was like tasting a little bit of heaven.
     Today seemed like the longest/shortest day of my life....if that even makes sense. Anthony just skyped his mom and they were SO funny. Just looked at my watch and it is already 1:30am. The Vatican tour is at 9am...uhoh! Tomorrow after our tour is going to be another half day dedicated to homework so when we go to Florence this week we don't have to worry too much. I think It is officially time to leave the Library. Goodnight to all in America!

XOXO Shann


  1. Ciao Shannon,
    This is Linda McDermott, Juliana's mom posting.I have been reading your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it. Mrs. Trudeau sent it to me and I hope you don't mind.

    As a lover of Italy myself, I am loving following someone else as they discover this amazing country.
    As you were near the Piazza del Popolo searching for a place to eat that was off the beaten path, I wondered if you would find a place that we stumbled upon many years ago. And a sentence later there you are at Il Grillo Parlante! It brought back so many memories.

    After your first trip, your mom told me that you were somewhat of a picky eater. It is good to see you becoming more adventurous and trying some interesting foods.
    I am particularly enjoying your funny restaurant stories. I guess that is because I can picture it all happening. You are a very good writer!
    I will keep reading an commenting if you don't mind -- even as you go to Spain and Paris, another two of my favorite places!

    Buon Divertimento

    Signora M.

    Vivi bene, ridi spesso, ama molto

  2. Mrs. McDermott,
    Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It is so nice to hear that people are enjoying my adventure as well :) Feel free to comment all the time!!! I love it!! :) and if you have any suggestions on where to go/recommendations I would love to hear them.
    I am a picky eater! But I am trying my best to find foods that I can eat and that are still a little different. I am looking forward to trying different foods in Spain and Paris as well. Have a great week and hope to hear from you soon! :) -Shannon
