Thursday, January 12, 2012

And So It Begins....

 Well Hi there! Thanks for checking out the first post of MANY as I begin my 15 week study abroad program in Rome Italy, Seville Spain and Paris France. I look forward to posting pictures and posts (basically diary entries..lucky you!) about what I am up to on my semester abroad. I am writing this not only for all my friends and family back at home, but also so I have something to look back on years from now when I am dreaming of my study abroad days. I hope you enjoy reading this blog, just as much as I will enjoy writing! Thank you to everyone that has helped me get to this point in my life :) and yay to a new semester and new adventures!

          It is officially the night before I leave for my first stop of many in Europe, Rome Italy. To say the least, I am beyond excited. 2011 overall was an amazing year for me. As many of those close to me know, the end of my high school experience was not exactly a positive one. I learned in 2011 that truly everything happens for a reason. People come into your life to teach you lessons and people leave your life to teach you lessons as well. 2011 to say the least was the most outstanding and life changing year thus far in my 20 years on this earth. I finally can say with complete and absolute distinction, I know who I am and I know where my life is going. I went from a below average academic high school student to an above average college student. I have pursued my passions, solidified where I stand politically, set a clear career path, and further explored my interests. In 2011, I met my other half, the most amazing girls in Gamma Phi Beta Sorority and stopped living for those who bring me down and instead living for myself and the positive people in my life.
        Now as I am entering into a new year, with even more opportunities, I look forward to growing more as a person and documenting it on this blog. Life can change quickly and it is important to retain those major lessons learned - and I have most definitely learned that in 2011 and my time at St. John's University.  I am happy to say my time at St. John's University has completely changed my life and it began in Rome, Italy the summer before my Freshman year. That experience started my life changing year, I met two of my closest college friends on that trip and realized there was so much to life I never knew. When I decided to go on the Discover the World program this semester through St. John's - a 15 week program that spends five weeks in Italy, Spain and France, I was thrilled to hear my first stop during my semester abroad would be in Rome. Tomorrow I will be returning to the city that began my journey a year and a half ago.
       I have been doing a lot of thinking, this last week especially, interning for my dad at his law firm. Seeing my dads schedule in particular and with previous knowledge of my moms, I have really come to see how difficult the working world  and having a family at the same time truly is. Up at six in the morning, going to bed at midnight. Its constant work, work, work....with little or no time to rest. In other words, I guess the point I am trying to get across is that my parents work damn hard for every penny they earn. Without my parents and their constant support and encouragement I would NOT be where I am today or anywhere close. My parents have stuck by me through countless ups and downs over the years, but to me most importantly, my parents have ALWAYS encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
   From the time I was 5 years old and insisted I wanted to be a NYC taxi driver when I grow up... to the time where I was convinced I wanted to work in a Church... to now where I am such an extreme liberal democrat it probably secretly makes their head spin. My parents have always responded "If thats what will make you happy honey, you can do it." For that I am so grateful. They work themselves so hard- day after day after day to pay for my education at St. John's, to pay for my housing, my wants and needs and they work and they work and they WORK, so that I can take a 15 week trips around the world. They are constantly encouraging me to be the best person I can be and for that I am going on this trip across the world tomorrow night. I consider 2011 my life changing year, and that is because I finally realized what my parents had told me since I could ever remember.... "I can do, I can be and I can accomplish anything I set my mind too." For any parents reading this or any future parents out there, please never forget that. The greatest gift my parents have ever given me is not a cell phone or computer, it is encouragement. Despite working long hours and busting themselves to provide everything I have needed with little appreciation  they still  have made sure they got up every morning and told me I was WORTHY even when I did not believe so myself. I am here today, writing this blog, because as I enter into this new chapter of my life... I want my parents and those around me to know, I would not be here without them. I come from an amazing family, the best little sisters around, aunts, uncles, cousins, my loving Grandparents and Great-Grandmother. Without my family, I would be nowhere.
     So, tomorrow my new chapter begins. First stop, Rome Italy. I am so thrilled to be going to Rome with my great friends from school and boy friend. I am also sad I will be missing a lot of great people at SJU this semester... including my Big sister :( BUT I hope when they all get the chance they can read up on what I am doing and fill me in on all of their lives. 2011 is now behind me, and 2012 is just beginning. I hope I can look back on this upcoming year and think wow...2011 was great but 2012 was definitely the best and most life changing year of my 21 years on this Earth.

XOXO Shann

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