Monday, March 12, 2012

City Center, Fútbol and Horseback Riding...What a Weekend!

    What a great weekend it was. I spent the entire day in the City Center of Sevilla on Saturday with Adrian and we had such a great time. It was a very unpredictable day and we did not plan much, but we ended up having such an exciting and packed day anyway. We started the day off with the goal of getting a Starbucks Coffee, but what we ran into was something entirely different. Right by where Starbucks is a massive protest was taking place. I have never seen anything like it in my life. First of all, Adrian and I estimated about 6, 000 people involved in the protest alone. It was absolutely packed.
   Picture a massive crowd, with signs, slogans, matching t-shirts, blow horns and noise makers. Some people were chanting, others were yelling and some were even singing. Adrian and I were STUNNED when we walked into this. At first I was a little scared. At some points during the protest people were throwing things into the mini fireworks and they were making huge booming noises. We had no idea we were going to walk into this. We saw firefighters, hospital workers, laborers, fishermen and landscapers. We saw children on the top of their Dad'd shoulders carrying flags and yelling along side their parents. We saw people that seemed really angry and mad and others that seemed to just be along for the ride. It was organized chaos...I am not really sure how else to explain it. I took some video, but for timeliness of this Blog (takes video forever to upload) I am going to leave it out for now. Adrian did his best to translate as many signs that the people were holding up that he could. Through that we learned the people were protesting because their jobs were on the line and because of budget cuts. They were demanding reform. One of the signs said in Spanish, "We are not politicians...we do not lie and steal." I got some pictures of the protest, but they really don't do justice to the thousands of people I saw and the things I witnessed.

The picture I was able to capture that I found most interesting was of the little boy chanting and waving around a flag in protest. 

       After about an hour of observing the protestors we finally decided to go and get our Starbucks Coffee....delicious! As usual. From Starbucks we made our way to all of the little street shops by the Cathedral. Today was dedicated to souvenir shopping! It was quite successful I might add!
      The square was very crowded between the Protestors and the fact it was a Saturday in Sevilla. We ran into a man making massive bubbles. Surrounding him in a span of about ten minutes were a bunch of little kids. It was a heartwarming sight.

      Eventually, after about four hours of souvenir shopping, Adrian and I sat down to have lunch. We were starting to get a little cranky and tired. Even so, we had a really nice lunch at a restaurant on the strip. I got Chicken Cordon Blue...havent had that since my summer camp days! Fries, egg and a giant bell pepper. It was yummy! And perfect for a refueling.

      After lunch we did a little more souvenir shopping and then made our way over to Plaza de Espana. Plaza de Espana is one of my favorite Plaza's in Spain.  It is massive, filled with various venders and canals where you can rent boats and go through. Later this week Adrian and I are going to rent boats, but because we had so many bags we didn't want to lug them around in a boat of all places. We sat on a bench for awhile just admiring the beauty of the Plaza. I watched a family try to row their boat within the canal. For a second I had a pang of sadness...I just wish my family could be here to experience some of this with me.

After a very busy and full day running around Seville Adrian and I headed back to the Hostel. We walked through Parque se Maria Luisa which reminded me so much of Central Park in NYC. It was such a beautiful walk. Beautiful gardens, bridges and secluded areas. It was a nice walk back to the Hostel.

        Back at the Hostel we freshened up and by the time we regained our strength decided to go get a "quick" dinner. We went to Casa Felix the same restaurant we go to quite often about six blocks away from our Hostel. Seville was in rare form. It seemed like everyone was out and about. Real Betis is one of the Professional soccer teams in Seville and they had a game. People were running around everywhere wearing their Green and White jerseys. While inside Casa Felix restaurant (which was PACKED) the waiter put the game on. When we were leaving the restaurant the game was two minutes in. Adrian said he had a general idea where the arena was that the game was being played in so we decided to check it out. The arena was just a block away. Next thing I know I am overlooking the Real Madrid v. Real Betis game...the same game I was witnessing on Television just minutes before.

       The atmosphere was mind-blowing. The stadium was completely packed and the crowds at professional soccer games are like nothing I have ever witnessed. People get so into it...literally bowing down to Betis. Adrian and I stood out like crazy...he was wearing a blue t-shirt and I was wearing my University of Rome sweatshirt. The game was also a close one. It was neck and neck right up until the end. I usually don't get that into sports games, but I was glued the entire time. I was also really surprised about some of the behavior at the game. First of all, on walk to the game the streets were covered with alcohol bottles ...and I am not talking about one or two, but hundreds.
     The people at the game were all really drunk too. A lot of things we witnessed were things that would have been reason to kick people out of games in the United States. People had huge drums they were banging on and were acting like lunatics. Even so, it was a blast!!!!! We totally soaked in the environment. I was so excited to see Real Madrid play and even more excited that they were playing right in Seville. I got to see Ronaldo! AH!! Times like this...seeing a professional soccer game randomly... are the best. I had no expectations for the night and it turned out to be a once in a life time experience. It was such a great day and one I will never forget.

      When we got back to the dorm after our exciting night Adrian opened his email to find a pleasant surprise! We had applied to be apart of a horseback riding excursion through an agency in Seville, but we did not think we got our application in on time. Much to our surprise they responded..."see you tomorrow morning at 9am!" We were so unbelievably excited we were jumping up and down in my room. Riding a horse has always been on my bucket-list and to ride a horse in SPAIN...ON THE more than I could ever ask for. We were up early the next morning and hopped on the bus to the city center where we were being picked up.
   Our day overall was flawless. Everything just seemed to go so perfectly. The ride to the beach town was about an hour and a half. The town we went to was called, Matalascanas. The bus ride to the beach was probably the best bus ride we have taken so far to an excursion. The travel agency provided us with music and I was thrilled because it was all the music I listen to!! (Coldplay, Dave Matthews, John Mayer, etc). I had a lovely nap and I awoke to a beautiful view.
    The day started off with a brief introduction of the area. The travel guides brought us to the stables to see the horses and get acquainted. We traveled with about thirty other students from the University of Seville. The time slot Adrian and I were allotted to ride was from 3pm to 5pm. From the stables Adrian and I made our way to get Breakfast at a little Cafe near the beach. I got an omelet sandwich with a coffee and Adrian got a ham sandwich. It wasn't ideal, but it was good and very very cheap. We also got Churros! I have been dying to get Churros since I got here and they were delicious!

      From Breakfast we walked about five more minutes to the beach. The beach was once again a different experience from every beach we have seen in Europe thus far. I loved it!!!!!!!!!! It was such a beach town and reminded me of where my parents vacation every year. It was also packed...unlike the beaches in Portugal which were empty. Also, which was very unique about these beaches, was that there was little streams everywhere. They were pretty deep too and you had to cross them to get to the actual beach area. A lot of little babies and kids were at the beach and they played in the streams all day long. It seemed like a parents ideal beach because the kids could play in the streams while the parents relaxed on the beach without fear they would be in danger by the rough ocean waves.

    Adrian and I spent from 10:30am to 2:20pm just laying on the beach relaxing...unfortunately I got VERY burned. They don't sell sunscreen almost ANYWHERE in Spain because it is not the season. My Irish white skin does not appreciate that much! We also spent a lot of time down by the water and I am sad to report...Adrian threw me in!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry...I got him back! It was so much fun.

    There was also this massive peculiar rock right by the shore. I am not sure what it was, but as the day went on and the tide began to rise the rock was further and further out in the ocean.

Fishermen lined the beach on one side

      The agency we went through was EXCELLENT. I highly recommend them. Discover Sevilla. They were young, accommodating, organized and timely. I was slightly bummed to find out they do excursions to Morocco. They pick you up right in Seville, transport you all the way there and bring you through the Sahara Desert by camel. Everything happens for a reason though. While we were on the beach the agency set up a volleyball net, soccer goals and provided us with Frisbees. It was really nice and such an enjoyable relaxing day. I couldn't have been happier.
     After a few hours of relaxation we made our way back to the Stables to begin our horseback riding adventure. I have to admit I was very nervous!!! I told one of our travel guides I was a beginner and so was Adrian so he gave us two of the calmer horses. My horses name was Harti and well...he wasn't exactly calm!! In fact, our guide ended up naming him Grumpy!!!! He had a mind of his own for sure.

          Harti liked to make his own path while I was riding him. Instead of following the group he would dart off into wooded areas and our guide would come after me laughing hysterically. I have to was quite funny. Our riding was two hours long. I was in tears more than once because of the beauty of it all. Between our trail of horses, through the woods, through water, on the beach and up hills.... it was a once in a life time experience. To anyone ever in Seville, Spain..... do this. It will change your life. I know this sounds cheesy, but I mean it. The horseback riding today gave me a whole new perspective. Not only did I conquer my fear of riding a horse, but I rode the horse for two solid hours and...get this...I let the horse sprint on the beach!! I was nervous at first and our guide asked me for permission. Next thing I know I am flying down the beach with sand and water spraying behind me as my horse threw his head forward. I felt like I was a Jockey. I thought of Luke a lot today and wish I could tell him about the experience. Part of me felt like he was with me...I knew he would have loved this.

      As I mentioned before the horses went through water. The little streams that I mentioned way earlier was not so little on the other end of the beach. They were very deep I would barely have been able to touch the bottom if I was swimming across. Harti my champ of a horse got me across anyway.

     To detail two hours of horseback riding would be impossible. Also, I would not do the experience justice. Some of the pictures do the talking, but sometimes just the experience itself is enough. I took a lot of pictures in two hours, but I also spent a lot of time just riding and enjoying life. Not many people can say they rode a horse on the beach in Spain. I can. I will never forget this day. Adrian and I had another once in a lifetime experience. Sometimes I have to just step back and soak it all in. I am so blessed. Thank you mom and dad.

      After an amazing experience our tour guide recommended a burger place called Boston Burger's right by the beach for dinner. It was SO DELICIOUS. I got a burger, fries and a drink for just 6 Euro. The proportions were huge and it was sooooo tasty. Adrian and I left very full and very satisfied.

    The bus ride back once again was very comfortable and relaxing. We passed by so many horse farms I lost count. We also passed by Strawberry farms....I have been craving Strawberries ever since! We also passed a lagoon and our tour guide pointed out a flock of Flamingos! I wasn't able to catch them on camera, but I did take a picture of the lagoon.

    After a great weekend it is time to buckle-down and study for my midterm tomorrow. We have not had wifi all weekend so I am currently writing this on the school's computer. I am extremely nervous for my Online midterm because of the WiFi..please cross your fingers it works out! I have a busy week ahead, but I will do my best to Blog as much as possible. As always...thanks for reading!!!! Have a great workweek!


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are you experiencing the beauty of Spain. More importantly, I am so very glad that you appreciate all that you are blessed to see. Once again, I felt like I was with you on this adventure, riding Harti; with your descriptions, I could feel the ocean breeze and the splash of salt water on my face. I was brought to tears Shannon (again), so very happy for you to be "loving life". Enjoy every minute and continue to learn and appreciate each new experience. I am very proud of you, I love you and miss you. <3 Mom
