Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy Last Full Week in Spain

    It has been a very busy week in Spain indeed. Between the final stretch of Spain classes, community service, applying to summer jobs and internships, sightseeing and day trips finding the time to write a Blog post as seemed quite impossible. I apologize for the delay in posts and hopefully I will do better from now on!!
    With that said it has been a great week starting with community service on Tuesday (ah almost a whole week ago!). As I mentioned in some previous posts I was assigned by my Spanish teacher to do my Academic Service Learning in a High School on the other side of town. This week was technically my first official week in the class room. The previous week I had a few complications and just ended up hanging out with one of the teachers and students for a few hours. This week I was actually in one of the Spanish classes at the High School. I went with my friends Sean and Dana. We were in a class of sixteen to eighteen year olds and they spoke very limited English. Some students I could tell were much more advanced than others. I was assigned to a group of three students and they were to read three paragraphs in English while I listened to make sure they were pronouncing the words correctly. For the first time in my life I realized English may actually be a very difficult language to learn. Terms such as the 5th Century or 2, 395 years ago are actually rather difficult concepts to grasp when you have not grown up understanding them. I tried to explain what the 5th Century meant and they had no clue. I had to call their teacher over and he explained and still I am not quite sure if the students grasped the concept.
     The students were so friendly and so kind. They invited me to a Barbeque and a few even asked if I wanted to go get a beer with them (I was stunned...imagine an American student asking that!?) I really enjoyed the time I spent with them and felt like I actually made a difference in the class room that day. We played a game in English as well and I had a great time.
    As for my own Spanish speaking skills...still pretty poor. On a positive note though, I am getting much better. I had a test on Thursday and I actually think I did really well. I now know how to describe myself, describe someone else, ask for directions, order food and describe a bedroom. I feel like if I spent a whole semester here studying Spanish I might be able to pick up a lot more. I was also reassured when my Spanish Professor told my friend Sean and I that he understood we have not taken Spanish before and the rest of the class has. He said we are doing just fine and he will grade us based on the fact we have never taken Spanish before and not based on how we are doing in relation to the other students. I have to say though I am looking forward to being done with the class.
    The weather in Spain this last week has been a little gloomier as compared to the previous weeks. Even so, it is gorgeous here and I am dreading leaving the weather. I love Spain so much, but I am also really looking forward to France and Spring Break. Change is good and that is one major bonus of the Discover the World Program. I am not sure I could have handled one semester in only one spot.
     Throughout the week Adrian and I went to the city center several times for coffee. I bought a lot of souvenirs and had an adventure to the post office to get a box to ship some things home. It scares me the semester is more than half way done. I feel like I have been on a four month long vacation...I don't want it to end.
     On Friday St. John's had another day trip planned for us to the beautiful town of Ronda. I had no idea what to expect prior to the trip having never heard of Ronda. The town was gorgeous and I am so glad we had the opportunity to go. It was built right into a mountain. In the middle of the town is the famous Tajo Gorge. The view was so amazing when I posted some pictures people commented asking if they were even real photos!

 The town was both historical and modern all in one. It was about a two hour bus ride their and only a small amount of St. John's students attended. We had a short walking tour throughout the town before three hours of free time. We used that time to explore the historical part of Ronda first which was on one side of the bridge. 
 On the historical side of town their was a beautiful Cathedral. The Cathedrals name was Sta. Santa Maria Mayor. Its construction began back in the 14th Century.

 Next to the Cathedral was the Town Hall. I would not have even known it was the town hall if it wasn't for the fact I found a hidden sign that said so. 

On the other side of the bridge was the more modern Ronda with little shops, gardens and restaurants. On our walking tour, on this side, Raul one of our advisers pointed out the oldest bull ring in ALL of Spain!

Adrian and I have found good friends in Sean and Dana another couple on the trip. We have found ourselves left behind often because we are a couple and it can be quite hurtful. When left behind in Ronda, so was Sean and Dana. The four of us had a really nice lunch at a little restaurant in the center of the modern side of town. It was an Italian sort of restaurant and I enjoyed a huge pizza! 

After lunch we spent our last forty-five minutes or so in one of the most breath-taking gardens I have seen in all of Spain. It was filled with all of these exotic trees and plants. One tree had flowers that reminded me of Orchids. 

At the end of the garden was a beautiful view of all of Ronda. We spent awhile just admiring. 

      Before we knew it our day in Ronda had come to an end. Once again...another great trip put on by St. John's. I just wish in Italy St. John's had put on more activities for us and day trips. The one day trip we had was canceled. I really think the Spain campus did a great job planning and more importantly executing great trips.
     Friday night Adrian and I took it easy and got dinner in the city center. Our meal wasn't too great, but I was happy to get Churro's afterward! They came with hot chocolate and were so yummy!!

    On Saturday Adrian and I spent the day sightseeing with Dana and Sean while most of SJU spent the day drinking because it also happened to be St. Patrick's day. It is so weird to think a year ago I spent the day at the NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade and this year I spent it in Spain!!! Honestly though, no one in Spain cared at all about St. Patrick's day!!!
   Adrian and I started the morning off by getting a Starbucks Coffee. Then we decided to go walk around the city center by the Cathedral. While walking by the Cathedral we ran into a wedding party. It was just minutes before the bride and groom were to leave the Cathedral where they had just been married. It was so exciting. We made our way to the front of the crowd and observed the people. First of all, it was obvious these people were very rich. Not only did they just get married in Seville's main Cathedral the outfits the guests were wearing were extravagant. Evey single woman was wearing some sort of hat or crazy hair piece on her head. The outfits the women were wearing caught Adrian and I's attention so much we started snapping picture after picture. I think the pictures may speak for themselves.

After about twenty minutes the bride and groom finally came out. It was worth the wait. They released balloons into the sky and threw rice at the couple. They kissed and smiled, waving at the crowd like the Royal Couple. It was such a sight. I wished I knew their story, I bet it was a good one. 

 After our exciting wedding surprise Adrian and I walked down a ton of little streets we have never been down before. We walked really far and eventually headed back towards the Cathedral to meet Dana and Sean. The Cathedral was free to get inside for students. The Cathedral is so detailed on the outside and stunning on the inside.

 The inside houses many different tombs. The most famous including that of Christopher Columbus. It was so cool to see the tomb of someone I have studied since the Kindergarten. His tomb was also one of the most unique I have ever seen.

      The Vatican of course is an amazing Cathedral, but sometimes I think other churches I have seen in Spain are even more beautiful than the Vatican both inside and out.
       After walking around the Cathedral for awhile we all agreed we wanted to climb to the top of the Cathedrals tower. One of the highest points in Seville. We were told from the top we could see all of Seville. We climbed thirty-eight flights to the top and every single stride was worth it. On the way up I got some pictures out of the windows, but the view from the top was the most breathtaking.

view from the top

 Where we stood we could see literally all of Seville. From the water to the bridges to churches and rooftop restaurants to Plaza Espana the city center and more. It may be one of my most favorite sights in all of Spain. Where we were was also the bell tower. As we were leaving the bells started to ring.

     After the Cathedral Adrian and I went to grab a bite to eat because we were starving and Dana and Sean headed back to campus. I am sad to report...we got Burger King. I know we are in Spain and the last place we should eat is Burger King, but I haven't eaten meat in over a week. The meat on campus is rather freaky and I try to stay away from it. We needed some protein!! It was a great refueling if I don't say so myself.
    After some more walking around and window browsing Adrian and I finally went back to campus. We were exhausted and caught up on our new favorite show Awake, and then we were torn between napping and going out for St. Patrick's day. We knew if we napped we probably wouldn't get up and decided we should just go out. Ricardo and some of his friends were going to a place down the road that was celebrating St. Patrick's day. It was a huge tent with a live band, food and tables to sit at. It was definitely more of Adrian and I's scene then the places people usually go. We got a free St. Patty's day hat and quite enjoyed listening to the band. It was mostly all American's and felt a little bit like home. I was a little bummed during the day I was missing out on the NYC parade and my mom's Corn-beef and Cabbage so this ended up being a nice way to end the night.

This morning (Sunday already!) Adrian and I got up early again to do some more Sevilla sightseeing. We got lunch by the Cathedral in a little corner restaurant. The environment was so great and the food was delicious too. It was a great people watching area.

After lunch we walked to the river where the Golden Tower is located. We had been dying to climb it and finally got to. It was an easy walk compared to the Cathedral the day before. We completed it in about ten minutes tops. The view on the top was nothing like the Cathedral, but still so worth it. From the highest point we got a perfect view of the entire water and the Cathedral. 

On the way back down from the top we walked into some of the rooms throughout the tower. They were like mini museums that displayed replicas of boats and painting of Captains. Adrian and I love these sort of museums and had a great time.

The weather was gorgeous today. I am excited to announce I am no longer pale!!! In fact, I have a really nice tan if I do say so myself!!!! Adrian said to me today, "Who are you and where is my vampire?" hahah my vampire days are over (well, for now!). Because the weather was so nice we decided to go right down to the river and rent a boat. There was a significant discount for students, so Adrian and I rented a boat for an hour and took it up and down the river. It was one of the boats you paddle as if you are riding a bicycle. 

       The river was so beautiful and we had a great time. I was a great Captain steering the boat...don't let Adrian tell you any different!!!! So many people were out laying by the river and watching us paddle. It really is a different view when you are in the water than watching from land. I cannot really put into words the beauty of Spain, but you can most definitely experience it while on the water. I spend a majority of our boat ride just enjoying the beauty.
       After boating we walked back to the Hostel and here I am! Enjoying the last few moments of sunlight before I go get dinner in town.
   I still can't believe I leave for France on Thursday morning. Spain FLEW by. I have done so much these last five weeks...I can only imagine what France has in store! I am really getting excited for France now though and Spring break. I am especially excited to be reunited with one of my best friends Eduardo who is an RA in Paris. I am looking forward to having him show us around.
      Also, I am very excited to have RA's again. The conduct and behavior demonstrated in Spain (where we don't have RA's) is disgusting. Some night I am awake just laying in bed until almost 4am. SJU students run around wasted, breaking things, yelling and acting like complete lunatics...7 days a week. It is so frustrating...the other night I was in tears about it. Someday's I feel like I live amongst middle schoolers between the drama and behavior it is unbelievable. I have to give the Spain directors here a lot of credit for putting up with a lot of the crap that goes on. I have never in my life been so excited to have an RA. I have also never in my life been so disappointed in St. John's students...we have really given ourselves a bad name in Spain.
    Well, anyway... I have three essays to write tonight and some studying for Spanish to do!!! I am a little stressed to say the least and hope this does not hinder my last few days in Spain. Once again I apologize for not having written in a few days!!! Things have been busy as the end of Spain semester is coming to a close. I hope to be able to write again before I leave. Thanks for reading :) I hope you had a nice weekend!!! :)




1 comment:

  1. Hola Shannon,
    I so enjoyed your account of Spain. I traveled there with my sister when I was 23 and have never forgotten that spectacular country.We went to so many of the same places including Sevilla and Ronda!
    (Don't leave Spain without trying Paella - ala Valenciana if you can find it!)

    Senora M
