Saturday, March 10, 2012

Portugal, Round Two :)

        Another successful St. John's trip today! I just got back from a lovely day in Tavira, Portugal. St. John's brought us to Portugal a few weeks ago, but that time we went to Monte Gordo. Today, Tavira was our day trip. It was a much different experience than Monte Gordo, both were great, but it was nice to get two different perspectives on Portugal. Most of our friends went to Barcelona this weekend. Adrian and I decided to stay behind because Spring Break is coming up and we need to save up money. Also, we have traveled ever single weekend since we got here and really needed a break. On Monday I have my midterm for my online class so I figured it was in my best interest to really take it easy in Seville this weekend.
    The bus ride to Portugal from the Hostel was about two hours. Once we got to the area where we were being dropped off we took about a ten minute boat ride from the bay to the beach. The boat was small and fit only about thirty people. It brought us to an Island; on one side was the bay and the other side was the Atlantic Ocean.

  From the boat it was about a five minute walk to the beach. The island itself was really beautiful and so cute. There were a few houses, shops, plants and even a playground on the walk to the beach. It reminded me a lot of home. The island was very secluded and I couldn't help but wonder if many people do not even know it exists.

      There was a bunch of restaurants on the actual beach. Most everyone went to go and get food right away, but Adrian and I decided to go to the water first and worry about food later. We had about three hours to explore the beach and the little beach town near by. The beach was massive and overlooked a city in Portugal on one side and mountains on the other. The beach itself was near completely private. Adrian and I felt like we had the entire beach to ourselves. We enjoyed soaking up the sun, running around in the water and taking pictures. The water was SO clear. It was breathtaking. 

There was a light house right by the spot Adrian and I decided to sit. We wanted to get a closer look at the light house. There was a clear path on the top of the rocks so we were able to walk all the way down to the light house. As the afternoon went on a lot of St. John's students walked down it as well. As we were leaving a fisherman was making post there.

While I proceeded to get VERY sunburn Adrian made sandcastles. I was quite impressed and told him he officially deserved bragging rights!

      After a lot of fun in the sun we decided to grab a bite to eat before we were due back to the boat. We went to the restaurant everyone else from St. John's seemed to be eating at called Formosa. It was right on by the water and we sat directly in the sun. 

 For those that don't know... I am a very picky eater...especially since I got to Europe! (miss my Mom's cooking!). I decided to jump out of my comfort zone and get the pork dish that everyone around me seemed to be eating. I am so glad I did! It was SO delicious. Probably the best meat I have had thus far in Europe. 

           We were supposed to be back at the boat by 2:20pm and if anyone knows Adrian and I we are aways EARLY for everything...on time is late to us! Today though...a different story. Our waiter at the restaurant took forever to bring our check. The other St. John's group that was sitting a few tables away from us left about five minutes before us. By the time we got out of the restaurant it was 2:20pm exactly. We made a run for it. We got to the boat dock at exactly 2:26pm (I looked at my watch!)...and the boat was pulling away. WE MISSED IT! I was freaking out, but Adrian was very calm. It will come right back, don't worry he soothed me. The boat started to turn around after about twenty minutes and came back to get us. Much to our surprise...the only people on the boat were our advisor Raul and the two boat Captains. "Oh my god"...I gasped, turning to Adrian. We were then informed the next boat wasn't due to pick us back up for another hour, but our advisor convinced the Captains to come and get us otherwise. They were kind enough to do so. Adrian and I were THOSE people...the ones the inconvenience everyone else! We both felt HORRIBLE. Instead of enjoying our little private boat ride back I was ashamed. Thankfully, Raul and the Captains were so nice about it. Never again will that happen!!
        On a positive note, while we were waiting for the boat to come back Adrian spotted a school of fish underneath the dock. I have never seen a school of fish before. I was able to walk down the dock stairs to get a closer look and a picture!

     After our day in Portugal Adrian and I were exhausted (I know spending the day on the beach...hard life!) We decided to take it easy and just grab a quick bite to eat by our Hostel at Simon's a cheap Americanized food joint. I got a burger and so did he. We bought some chips at the local Supermarket and spent the rest of the night watching Tangled one of my favorite movies. It was a lovely day and another for the books. I have to admit I bought a pair of shoes for myself that night too. They were TWELVE Euro! Black high heels. I just love them so much. Oops!
       The night before our Portugal trip a large group of us went out for my roommate Dana's birthday. Adrian and I are big drinkers, but we decided it might be fun to go out anyway. We went to a bar pretty far from our campus and it was a bust. We made our way to a bar a few block away from that bar and it wasn't too bad. It was really empty though. The crowd we were with started drinking a lot and Adrian and I were not feeling it. We decided to start a game of pool with my roommate Dana and her boyfriend Sean. We ended up playing for two hours! There was none in the bar but us by the end and we had such a great time. They really aren't into the drinking scene either and it was nice to be around people that felt similarly. We had some really nice talks on the walk back to our Hostel and I think Dana enjoyed the first few hours of her birthday.
       It has been WAY too long since my last Blog post. I apologize. My life has been consumed by homework and studying this last week. I cannot complain though, I did my Ethics presentation on Thursday and I think it went pretty well. I also had a revelation because of my presentation, which was on Ethics in Journalism. I believe I would really like to eventually become a War Correspondent. One of my life goals has always been to expose the truth about situations through Journalism, whether writing or Broadcast. It would be a tough job, but I think it might just be my calling. 
     The internet has been rough this week so it took awhile for me to finish this Blog post. The internet is fine I am hoping I can finish up my Blog about what I did today, tonight (day after Portugal!) Just a quick preview... I spent the day in the city center, witnessed a massive protest and saw the Real Madrid v. Betis game! So, stay tuned!
      I would also like to thank everyone that has been reading my Blog, passed my Blog on or complimented me on my Blog. It means so much to know people enjoy it. Have a great Sunday! and hopefully I will have a new Blog post up soon! By the way...I am going Horseback riding on the beach tomorrow! Wish me luck :)


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