Thursday, March 1, 2012

CADIZ a Great Way to Spend the Spanish Holiday!

      Back tracking a little first! Monday was back to reality and back to class after an epic weekend in Madrid. As usual I was struggling a bit with Spanish, but I am trying my best. After class I had about thirty minutes to get ready and eat before St. John's was taking us to a Flamenco Show in the city center. Adrian and I went to a place right by our Hostel that everyone recommends called Rico-Rico for a quick dinner. Sandwiches are just ONE Euro. We decided to check it out. It was delicious!!!! I got an egg, tomato and cheese sandwich... YUM.
     After our quick bite to eat we made our way back to the Hostel and quickly got ready for the show. We were on the bus and to the venue for the show by 8:30pm. When we got there the venue was much different then the one Adrian and I went to alone. It was a LOT less personal.
       As we walked in the person at the bar (yes..St. John's brought us to a bar!) informed us the show did not start until 10:45pm. We were more then two hours early. So, Adrian and our friends Dana, Sean, Stefany and Alyssa decided to go walk around the city center because we were close enough to do so. They decided to get food and because Adrian and I had already eaten we decided to go get Starbucks. After we got our coffee we sat with them as they munched on some yummy looking Churro's. When they were finished we stopped at Dunkin Donuts so some of our group could get coffee/tea. At Dunkin Adrian ran into one of his students at the High School he is volunteering at!
    We proceeded to walk towards the Cathedral in the exact center of town where Christopher Columbus is buried. We still haven't gone inside to see his remains because St. John's is taking us there for free next week. We ran into a HUGE crowd of people right outside and were very concerned about what was going on. Come to find out (Adrian asked someone in Spanish) they were celebrating the Spanish Holiday with a parade around the city.
        After navigating our way through the parade Adrian guided us all back to the Flamenco show at La Carboneria. The show was not as great as the one Adrian and I saw alone. It was free entrance to the show and was definitely more of a bar scene. The last place we went to was really intimate and personal. This was more of drunk people everywhere half paying attention to the show. On the other hand, it was interesting to compare both shows we saw. I got two totally different experiences out of both shows. The show we went to with St. John's was a lot more singing as compared to dancing. It was also a lot less exciting as well and I could really tell the talent difference from the show we saw and the one STJ brought us to. There were only three people in the whole entire show...where as the one Adrian and I went to there was about ten and many...many...different acts. Even so, it was an enjoyable night. We were allowed to take pictures at this show unlike the other one I here is an idea of the show and venue.

       As I said earlier the show started at 10:45pm and it went until 3am. Clearly, we did not stay that long. Adrian, Sean, Dana, Alyssa, Stefany and I all rode bikes back to campus around 12:45.
       The next morning we got up early to go to Cadiz Beach which is about two hours away from Seville. It is one of the richest and the oldest cities in Western Europe. Adrian's Language and Culture professor said if you are going to go to a beach from Seville this is the place to go. Adrian, Anthony, Stefany, Alyssa and I left the dorm around 8am to catch the 9am train. It was a pretty smooth ride and probably the nicest train I have been on yet in Europe. It was also fairly cheap. Everything on the train was automatic and sensitive to touch. In other words, to flush the toilet or open the door I would just graze my hand against the wall and the appliances would act accordingly. It was very high tech and futuristic. There were also vending machines and reclining chairs on the train. Nothing like the trains we are used to traveling on. There was also a lot more security on these trains. We had to get our bags checked and go through metal detectors which we have never had to do on a train before.

   When we arrived in Cadiz we got directions from a tour guide to the "famous" beach. Apparently, this beach is the "prettiest" and "nicest" in all of Cadiz. WRONG.  La Caleta Beach is a famous beach though and I am glad we got to see it. Parts of the James Bond movie "Die Another Day"was filmed on this beach particularly the Havana scenes. Even so, it was NOT the prettiest beach in Cadiz!!!

    La Caleta beach also posses one of the oldest defense complexes. It was quite the site. I took a picture of the sign describing the complex that does a much better job explaining then I could!

It was really interesting to see the history of La Caleta Beach and though it was not exactly pleasant to the eye we quite enjoyed ourselves anyway. After we were done touring La Caleta we made our way to the long strip of beaches in Cadiz. On the way we saw such a great sight...well in my opinion!!! A ton of cats laying out on the boulders that prevent the water from coming up onto the land. There were so many and they were so adorable...they were practically posing for me! At one point I counted ten cats! It really made me miss my beautiful Clare :(

We decided to get lunch right by the water (one of the only places open due to the holiday). We had a rather uncomfortable lunch. Not only did our food come out at all different times, Anthony's meal of meatloaf took two hours to make and when it finally came out was not even what he ordered. My meal of chicken and fries looked/tasted more like rubber and mush. Our waitress was not friendly at all and not happy when we complained about the horrendous service. Not to mention, only five dishes on the entire menu were able to be ordered (they did not even have their salads!). The place was called La Terracita...I would not recommend it!

Finally, after a busy morning and some bumps in the road we made it to the gorgeous beach of Cadiz! We spent the rest of the afternoon laying on the beach and sunbathing. Adrian and Anthony both got right in the water and swam. In fact, Adrian made a friend while swimming! haha He was a local boy that told him all about growing up in Cadiz. He said most people don't swim this time of the year because the water is so cold, but he did not mind it. He lived just a block away from the beach and said during the summer the beaches are packed and it is so hot outside. The rocks near the beach are used to jump off of into the water...that surprised me considering that most beaches in the United States you are not even supposed to stand on the rocks. The water was perfectly clear and there are no jellyfish or sharks he stated. 

       As I just said, things are definitely different on the beaches here. People were openly drinking on the beach (public beach) and buying drinks right from the Vendors that walked along the shore. The Vendors literally roamed the beach with their coolers of all different alcoholic beverages. 
     Towards the end of our beach day Adrian and I took a walk down the beach. It so reminded me of the walks my mom and I used to take in Florida. I quite enjoyed it. Despite the fact I probably could have taken some really great photos on the walk I did not bring my camera. I thought it was for the better to enjoy my time with Adrian rather then worry about taking pictures and capturing the moment on film. The little moments like that cannot be captured in a Blog post or through a picture...they are just part of what I am living. They are apart of me. 
    After a relaxing and packed day on the beach the sun began to set and we made our way back to the train station. We walked through the main square in Cadiz where the town Cathedral is located in none other then Plaza de la Cathedral. We were unable to go inside, but inside the bodies of both a famous composer and poet are located. It is gorgeous from the outside and one of the top sites to see in Cadiz. 

We also stopped into a little shop and I got a cup of coffee. I definitely have to say Italy beats Spain when it comes to coffee (except Starbucks of course...but thats American anyway!). My coffee was not so great! But it did the job!
Eventually we made it to the train. The train ride once again was very pleasant. I watched a little Spanish boy stare out the window fro the majority of the ride amazed at everything that zoomed on by. His wonder and excitement were so pleasing to me. I too started staring out the window...following his lead. Train rides always help me recap my day and come to appreciate everything I have been doing. It is easy to get caught up in the traveling. Sometimes it take a few hours just sitting, listening to music and staring out the window to appreciate the awe and blessings of it all. Thank you mom and dad for helping me get here.
       I had a scary moment though on the train ride back. All of our seats were separated on the train and I got off at the wrong stop :( ... I also did not have my phone with me either... so if I got stranded somewhere it would have been really scary. Thankfully, I ran to the conductor and showed him my ticket when I realized I may have gotten off at the wrong stop. He held the train doors open for me and I ran back into the train. Two seconds later I saw Adrian running down the aisles of the train to come and find me. He said he had a bad feeling I didn't know which stop we were and I was going to get off... well he was right!! Thankfully, the situation turned out just fine...but we agreed from now on to make sure we get seats together. 
      Overall, it was such a lovely day and another great memory to add to my Discover the World journey. The last seven weeks have been mind-blowing. I still cannot believe the life I am living right now. I never want it to end.
     The last few days have been filled with homework and stress. I am barely surviving my Spanish class and just took my first test today... I spent the entire day/night studying before it and still do not think I did well. It is extremely frustrating. One of my amazing Gamma Phi Beta sisters put it perfectly though...I just have to do my very best and not let my Spanish class ruin my time in Spain. As long as I work as hard as I can it will work out in the end. She said just what I needed to hear today. My Ethics class on the other hand is so interesting and I enjoy our debates very much. Next week is my presentation on Ethics in Journalism. 
    Lastly, I have some exciting news! Adrian, Dana, Sean, Nora, Meghan and myself booked Spring Break tonight!! Today was the last day the website (cheapest flights around) has its annual sale on we officially finished booking our flights at 11:59pm. We are spending four days in Ireland, four days in Germany and two days in England. I am so excited!!!! We got a pretty good feels nice to have that stress out of the way. 
   Tomorrow St. John's is taking us to do a cave tour about two hours away from Seville. Apparently it is beautiful. On Saturday a group of us are going to Morocco... AFRICA!!!!!!! It has always been one of my dreams to go to Morocco and I cannot believe I will actually be there this very weekend. We booked through an agency that several people I know have used. It costs just ONE Euro to ride a Camel!!! Uh-oh!
   Well, I have to be up early tomorrow and it has already been a very crazy busy day. I am exhausted to say the least. I will probably not be able to Blog again until Monday... because my online homework is due tomorrow night and then off to Africa I go!! I will do my best to keep everyone updated :) Thanks for reading!!! 

XOXO Shann

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