Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snow in Rome!

    What a busy/crazy few days it has been! As many of you may have already heard there is snow in Rome!!!! The last time it snowed in Rome like it did yesterday was 1986...and the last time they saw snow at all was about ten years ago. It is clear the Italians have NO idea how to handle this snow. Yesterday everyone seemed to be going crazy. We had a trip planned to Tivoli that was unfortunately canceled due to the weather, but in return St. John's bought us breakfast. Our advisor, Domenico, a nice middle aged Italian man literally ran out of the restaurant as we were ordering our food. He started yelling and jumping saying, "Its snowing! Its snowing! Snow in Rome is the equivalent to the Pope dying! The Italians go crazy! Its snowing, its snowing!" He was so excited and celebrated like a five year old boy during the first snow of the season. The driving in Rome though, was not exactly something to celebrate. The Italians do NOT know how to drive in the snow. Believe it or not, even with an inch of snow on the ground, people were still driving mopeds and smart cars. The drivers were either sliding all over the road or not able to move their cars at all. It was pretty scary at some points. 

   We had a lot of plans yesterday that had to be canceled because of the snow and we all felt like we were really missing out. Unlike home they don't have plows or shovels so even today they streets are still covered in snow. It makes it difficult to go anywhere. Nora, Adrian and I didn't want to waste a day. We figured what would be better then going to see one of the seven wonders of the world in the snow!? We hopped on an extremely packed Metro train and made our way to the Colosseum. By the time we got there the snow was really falling fast. We had a blast!!!! There were even camera crews and the local news taping this historical event. We were apart of history. 

      The Colosseum in the snow was definitely an experience and I am so thrilled I can say... "I saw one of the seven wonders of the world in the snow for the first time in 27 years!" Despite our trip being canceled I really think it was totally worth it. Everything does happen for a reason. 
     To back track a little, the night before the snow storm we went and got Mexican food. We have been eating a lot of Pasta and Pizza and it has gotten very old! Adrian did some research and he found a Mexican restaurant called "La Cucaracha" by the Vatican. Yes, that translates into Cockroach in English...and despite being very skeptical... we had such a fun night and a DELICIOUS meal. Adrian, Nora, Anthony, Mary, Ricardo and myself all decided to go. It was also really fun because Adrian was able to talk to the waiter in Spanish. It was cool being able to listen to them chat. He ordered everything for everyone at our table. I got Enchiladas and so did Nora. I also had my first real Margarita ever.

    Adrian explained this was a real authentic Mexican restaurant and even described the specific state their food originated from. Even though our meal all together ended up being a little pricy, it was well worth it. I mean c'mon who else can say they ate real authentic Mexican food while in Italy!? We went back to the dorm after dinner because it was raining very hard at that point. The next morning was when the real snow began to fall.
    For dinner last night we went to Grotta Azzura again the restaurant by campus we eat at quite often. They give us a really good deal because we go to St. John's and they let us use our mealtickets. It was snowing so badly at this point and we wanted something nearby, so Grotta seemed perfect. The waiter there knows us by now and gets so excited when we walk in. Last night we asked him his name. He speaks in very broken English, but he is always smiling, laughing, and joking with us. His name is "Tonino". I have NO idea if that is the correct spelling, but it sort of sounded like the name Tony. As we were leaving Adrian told me how to say, "Tonino is excellent" in Italian to his boss. His boss got so happy and said "oh yes yes he is!" and clapped his hands. Tonino came out from the restaurant, having heard what I said, and laughed and winked. His face lit up. We all agreed we will have to eat at Grotta Azzura again at least once before we leave. I have tried to try a different dish every time we go and one of the last ones on the menu for me to try was the Gnocchi in Pene Sauce. Nora got the same thing. It was excellent. 

       On the way back from dinner we stopped at a cafe literally feet away from campus called "Diabolo". We each ordered a drink and ended up running into half of St. John's there. I guess everyone had the same idea that they did not want to venture far off in the cold and snow. 
      After Diabolo we headed back to the dorm to call it a night. As we were walking back I told Adrian I really wanted to get one of the Lemons from the trees outside in the court yard at campus before we left. We are allowed to pick them. Before I knew it he was running out into the snow to pick one for me! It was a huge Lemon and I loved the fact it was grown right on campus!

      After a good nights sleep we got up this morning for our friend Mary's birthday. It was decided we would go to the Vatican for a tour. Apparently the rest of Rome had the same idea! The line to get inside was as long as all of St. Peter's Square. Which in terms of hours probably calculates to about a four hour wait. So, instead we took some pictures and decided we would have to come back another day. The Vatican was truly breathtaking in the snow. I came to the conclusion so many people were probably there today because the Vatican does not see snow often. I felt privileged to not only have seen the Vatican in both winter and summer, but also covered in snow. 

    We got a quick bite to eat at a cheap restaurant by the Vatican before we began the trip in the snow and slush back to campus. I got Minestrone soup, craving something warm and familiar. Yum!

     We are now back at the dorm, all warming up and getting ready to go out tonight for Mary's birthday. I have been feeling a little under the weather and could use a nap! We tried to make reservations at the Hardrock Cafe, but they said we need to make reservations weeks in advance so try and come before seven tonight. We are leaving campus around six and meeting up with my friend Sarah from home and her roommates. I can't wait to see Sarah again!
   I finished my Theology of the Marketplace final presentation on Pope Pius X and Pope Benedict XV. It was a lot of work, but I think it went well and my professor gave me positive feedback. It is a relief to have that done and not have to worry about it. 
   I cannot believe my time in Rome is almost finished. Just ten more days until we leave :( It is crazy to think about how much I have done since I have been here. I already feel like I  have learned so much about myself. I can only imagine what the next three months has to offer. 
   Thank you for reading :) I love all of the support and feedback I have been getting. It truly makes writing this worth it. Love you all! Have a great rest of your weekend :)

XOXO Shann 

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