Monday, February 13, 2012

Italy is Coming to a Close!

    What a great weekend it was! Nora, Adrian and I ventured to Pisa...where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is located. It was about a two hour train there and a four hour train back (pretty expensive!), but It was so worth it.
      First of all, the train ride was so beautiful. I had fallen asleep and Adrian woke me up because of the view. I am so glad he did.  The train ride was right next to the ocean. It honestly reminded me so much of the beach in Florida where my Grandparents condo was. The train ride alone was well worth it. I enjoyed looking out the window so much, deep in thought, listening to my music, and watching as the waves crashed onto the shore. This was a side of Italy I had yet to see. It made me so unbelievably sad I am leaving Italy this week, but at the same time if I ever come back to Italy in my lifetime I would love to go to the beaches. Adrian and I had NO idea where this beach (traveled on for a good hour) was in Italy. The first train stop we stopped at, after having the beautiful view of the water, was Chivitavecchia. From that stop on for about another forty-five minutes we traveled on the water. We also rode by a major port in which we saw a massive Cruise Ship being built. This train ride was such a difference from the one to Assisi which was mountains covered in snow. Both beautiful, both apart of Italy, both breathtaking.

     There were so many other impressive views of the ocean that I did not have time to capture on camera as our train zoomed by. The train ride reminded me of Capri so much and the beauty Italy has to offer.      
       We arrived in Pisa very behind schedule. Like the train ride to Assisi, our train was about an hour late. It ended up being fine though and we had plenty of time to explore. From the train station we took a shuttle bus to the center of Pisa also known as the Piazza dei Miracoli or Cathedral Square. Here is located the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Piazza Del Duomo, Mounmentale Camposanto and the historical walls. We were originally encouraged not to go to Pisa because there is not much to see. Adrian, Nora and I wanted to go anyway though because we figured the Leaning Tower of Pisa was a once in a life time opportunity. We were right. 
      Pisa was gorgeous. Extremely clean, the people were friendly, the food was great and there was much more to see besides just the Leaning Tower. We took some awesome pictures and captured some great moments. 

       There were many churches and Basillicas in the town center. Unfortunately, you had to pay to get inside. We still wanted to climb to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but sadly by the time we got there to do so it was too late. The next tour was thirty minutes away and we did not have time. We really enjoyed walking around though and soaking up the environment. We even got to see a bride take photos with her groom in front of the Leaning Tower.
       Nora, Adrian and I enjoyed a lunch at a restaurant called Restorante Santa Maria. It seemed to have a lot of locals inside. I got the Margherita Pizza. It was delicious! Plus it was only four Euro!
       We spent about a total of five hours in Pisa. It was a really nice day and I feel so thankful I can say I saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa!!! I remember as a kid seeing pictures of the tower and learning about it in school, but never did I think one day I would be there myself!

   As you can probably tell from the pictures...we had a lot of fun!!!! Last night after our trip we went back to the dorms and worked on homework. Afterwards, Adrian, Nora, Anthony and I watched Angels and Demons. Even though I have seen the movie before, watching it in Rome is twenty times better. The whole entire movie the four of us were shouting at the screen "OMG we were there Friday!!!!!" or "OMG thats where we had dinner last week!" It was SO cool to see all of the places we have been visiting for the last five weeks such as; Piazza de Popolo, Piazza de Novona, St. Peter's Basilica, St. Peter's Square, Sistine Chapel, Castel San Angelo, and the Pantheon. Speaking of the Pantheon...we went inside today!!!
    We had about four hours before class to do some last minute sight seeing. We decided to see the inside of the Pantheon where a major part of the movie Angels and Demons takes place. The Pantheon is one of the oldest buildings in Rome and also the best preserved both inside and out. In the modern day it is a Christian Church, but it used to be  a Roman Temple for the Gods.    

In the center of the Pantheon is an Oculus. A circle opening. Yes...completely open. In other words, when it rains or snows the precipitation can fall through the Oculus into the Pantheon.  The Pantheon floor was built out of marble and the marble has holes in it to drain out that water. It is quite the sight. 

     I could not believe I had not been inside ever before. It is spectacular. Inside is buried the famous artist (did much of the art in the Vatican), Raphael. 

Next to Raphael is buried the second king of Italy Hurbert I and the first Queen of Italy Margherita Savoia. 
   On the opposite side of the Pantheon is buried Victor Emmanuel II. The first King of Rome!!! We passed by his memorial often on our way to the Colosseum (many pictures in my previous Blog posts) but I never actually knew who Victor Emmanuel II was. While standing in front of his tomb I was telling Adrian how excited I was that we figured out who Victor Emmanuel II is. A girl about the same age as me looked over at me and said "Are you from the United States?"... "Yes!" I responded so excited to hear English. We got into a brief conversation. She was from California in the art district of LA. She was taking a three month break from life to tour Europe. It was nice meeting someone else from the States in the Pantheon of all places.
    When you first walk into the Pantheon it is overwhelming and shocking at the same time. It is completely circular with gorgeous structures and memorials all around. If you look straight ahead when you first walk in there is a dazzling alter. The entire inside is just mesmerizing.

Back tracking a little...before we went to the Pantheon we wanted to go tour the inside of Castel San Angelo. One of my favorite sites in all of Rome. We pass the Castle everyday while walking around Rome. Just our luck though...the Castle is closed on Monday's!! We quickly switched around our plans and headed towards the Pantheon. We are going to go back to the Castle tomorrow. Even so, I got some great pictures of the outside of the Castle.

I also took pictures of many monuments and buildings we pass by every single day. Just to get an idea of what I see on a daily basis I will share several pictures. 

On our way to the Pantheon we walked by a little church stuck between two commercialized buildings. We had some time so we decided to go check it out. The Church was called Basilica Di S. Lorenzo in Lucia. We weren't able to find out much about the church. It was slightly under construction on the inside, but it was still obvious the history and art it contained. We also believe there was a tomb inside, but we could not figure out who. Sometimes the little moments of getting lost in Rome or venturing into places we have never heard of are the memories I hold dearest to my heart. 

On the way back from the Pantheon we stopped at the Spanish Steps one last time. It really gets upsetting after awhile going to all these monuments and historical places to say "goodbye". As I was leaving the Vatican just the other day I thought to myself- I cannot wait for the day I can hear all about my children's experiences in places like this. Twenty years from now my son or daughter might be writing a Blog just like this about how they saw the Pope or went to the Colosseum or the Spanish Steps. Maybe they can even use my Blog as a resource to figure out places to see. You never know. 

      After our day filled of adventure it was time for class. It was our second to last class before the final. I cannot believe it- the semester is flying by. I got my last three quizzes back and was happy to see my hardwork is paying off... three 100 percents! Nora, Anthony, Adrian and I spent the last few hours studying for the final. I am getting nervous. I have learned so much in this class about economics though. In High School my economics teacher made me feel like such a moron. This class has proved to me I am not a moron and if I set my mine to something, even economics, I can do it. It also has shown me a Professor/Teacher can make all the difference. My Professor- Robert White- is the kind of Professor that no matter what you say when you raise your hand he never EVER embarrasses you or makes you feel stupid. Thanks to him- I raise my hand on average fifteen times a class. Teachers and Professors can really change the way a student looks at learning.
    For dinner we took a break from homework to have our last dinner at our FAVORITE restaurant in Italy- Grotta Azzura. We went to say goodbye to our lovely waiter Tonino (I wrote about him in past Blog's as well) and the boss told us he is on a fifteen day vacation :( We were all devastated. The Boss then told us he would call Tonino and have him come in to say goodbye to us. "NO NO! Thats ok!" We all chimed in at the same time. The poor guy probably never gets a break and here the boss was about ready to call him in! Even so, my dinner was EXCELLENT as usual. Ravioli in the most amazing sauce known to man kind (Besides my mom's!!!!). Delicious!
    When I got back to the dorm to start up this Blog and studying I found it so funny one of the girls from SJU posted a photo on Facebook of the outside of Grotta Azzura with the caption "Best restaurant in all of Italy"
   Though the food in Italy has not been my favorite, places like Grotta make it worth it. I will miss Tonino and his kindness. If you ever decide to travel to Italy- please be sure to go to Grotta Azzura and ask for Tonino. You will understand exactly what I mean. 
      Tomorrow is Valentines Day (yuck), but on a happy note it is also Adrian and I's one year. It has been one heck of a year (year and a half of being best friends) and I am SO thankful to have him in my life. I don't want to blab on and on about it but I do want to say a little something... Though we haven't had it easy (him living in Cali and me in NY half the year) it has all been worth it. He is a humble man with a kind and generous heart. In my life I have never met someone so unique, genuine and filled with such a capacity to unselfishly love. No we are not perfect, but I feel confident in saying I am in love with my best friend. 
     Well, I am stressing very much now about my final- so I suppose that is an indication it is time to hit the books!!!! Thank you for reading :) I hope I will have time to write at least one more time before I leave for Spain, but with my final I am not sure. I will do my best!!! Love you all.. and HAPPY 101 BIRTHDAY TO MY GREAT GRANDMA!!!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate. Love you!

XOXO Shann 

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