Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Only in Rome can you get lost and end up at the Colosseum!

      By far the best night in Rome yet! The beginning of today was a rough one for sure. Our class seemed impossible and our Quiz even worse. After class we went to a restaurant (Adrian, Anthony, Nora and Mary) right across from campus called Buon Appetilo and the waiter hated us! Well, the waiter hated me. First of all, he did not like that we could not speak Italian. Second of all, he caught me putting Balsamic Vinaigrette on my disgusting "Tortellini" and he lost it from there. He decided to announce to the whole entire restaurant Balsamic is NOT used on pasta "ONLY BREAD!" I turned so red, thought I was going to cry, and proceeded to not enjoy the rest of my already pathetic "homemade" tortellini. After our rather awkward and embarrassing dinner, we were all still hungry. Our meal was less then adequate and so we decided to get rice balls next-door at the Pizza place. I have never had a rice ball- and will probably never again! But, it was definitely an experience! My rice ball was filled with egg and bacon and Adrian's was filled with mozzarella and tomato.

   So, after a gross dinner and a gross rice ball...we finally settled on Gelato again!!! Which was delicious I might add. I got chocolate and graham cracker flavored (I am trying to try a different flavor each time) 

    After Gelato, Anthony, Nora, Adrian and I decided to take a walk to a street that Adrian and Anthony explored the day before. The street was gorgeous, with so many shops and little restaurants. It reminded me of 5th Ave, except with Ancient Roman Architecture. The street was lined with lights, miles long, the colors of the Italian flag. Adrian and I heard some music coming from inside a huge dome building and decided what the heck lets check it out. We ran inside what looked like a church and came across a ton of teenagers celebrating what we think was mass... the mass was a lot like the LifeTeen mass in New York. The music was in Italian, but all the teenagers were dancing around and clapping facing an alter. Adrian and I were shocked, but loving it at the same time. We were immersed in the Italian culture alongside natives, even if it was only for about ten minutes. Afterwards, we decided to walk down this long street, the sign before the street said it lead to the Trevi Fountain. 

   We ended up getting a little lost. Though we thought we were approaching the Trevi Fountain, we were actually approaching the famous National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II.

   Nora then realized that we were literally yards away from the Colosseum!! We all got so excited we practically ran the rest of the way. I know I have seen the Colosseum before, but having come across it by such surprise and at night I got really emotional realizing we were there. Watching Adrian, the only one of us that hasn't seen the Colosseum or Ancient Ruins before, was especially emotional. I felt so happy for him and so happy in general. We didn't expect to go to the Colosseum for another week at least. The four of us kept saying we will never forget this night as long as we live and I know for a fact I never will. Lost, 4 miles away from campus, and we end up at the Colosseum...what are the chances!  We also got to see the Arch of Constantine which is between the Colosseum and Palatine Hill. 

        All the years I spent studying Latin and Ancient Rome seems so worth it now. We took some great pictures and more importantly made memories to last a life time. We talked about how crazy it is most of our civilization is based off the Ancient Romans and here we are at the heart of it. Between the ruins, one of the seven wonders of the world and a night with my best friends, I felt and still feel, so thankful for this experience. 

        On the way back we were determined to get a Taxi. It was so cold and a four mile walk back at 10:30pm seemed nearly impossible. We waited and waited at a Taxi stop...tried to flag down three Taxi's... and after about an hour realized something was wrong. I was wearing flats, my feet were freezing, and no Taxi in sight! We stopped at a little Cafe and I got a coffee to warm up while we called St. John's to try and get a number for a Taxi service. In the next 30 minutes we learned, the Taxi's in Rome are on strike!!!!! So, we have no choice at all, but to walk the four miles back to campus!!! Everything definitely happens for a reason though because on our way back we found the Trevi Fountain!!

     I realized tonight how much I have changed since I got to college. A year and a half ago when I was in Rome it was more about the bar stories then the once in a lifetime experiences. I grew so much in college, became a lot less naive, and realized the bar stories are NOT what I am going to remember ten years from now. The nights like this, I will. 
      What a night and what an experience. We spent a lot of time discussing how lucky we are to be here and I think blessed is more like it. I am glad I have such great best friends that understand the impact of the next four months on our lives. Years from now I know I will be saying to Nora..."Remember that time we got lost in Rome and ended up at the Colosseum?!" Life is good and Rome is great. Goodnight all!

XOXO Shann

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