Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another busy day in ROMA!

    Yes indeed, another busy day in Roma! After an amazing night at the Colosseum we felt we could not waste a day off from classes laying around and doing nothing. So, Adrian, Anthony, Ricardo and I decided to go back to where we were last night, Piazza De Popolo and the never ending road that leads to the Colosseum! Though we didn't go to the actual Colosseum today we got pretty close. We wanted to see the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and all of the gorgeous Churches and Basilicas up close in the daylight. I REALLY missed Nora today though. She had to work on her paper and decided it would be better if she stayed in the dorm while we ventured back into the city of Rome. Tomorrow is a day we are all dedicating to homework, no classes once again, and I know I personally will be spending it in the library. Unlike the boys and Nora, whose paper is due Friday, mine is due next Friday. I have a test on Saturday though and must have three chapters in my book read by then. The library here is small and quiet which I learned quickly, is the only place here that has that sort of environment. I will be living there tomorrow and a good part of Friday.
    My favorite part of today was probably the view of the city from the top of the Spanish Steps. You could see all of Rome, I felt like I was on top of the world.

    I've never seen the Spanish Steps in the daylight (what a mistake that was the last time I was in Rome!) and today was the perfect weather to do so. We all climbed ALL the way to the top of the Spanish Steps and despite being quite the hike it was so worth it. Its weird, during these times I would have taken for granted as a Freshman in College, I find myself getting emotional. Here I am, viewing the whole entire city of Rome. The sun is shining, I am alongside my other-half and the world is literally at my fingertips. What can get much better then this? I feel like I can do anything. I am falling in love with traveling. I want to see the whole world, and I am so thrilled I will be doing a lot of seeing the world, these next few weeks. 
      I really enjoy seeing the insides of the many churches in Rome. It amazes me how even the smallest Churches are almost as gorgeous as the inside of the Vatican. The intricateness that went into the paintings and statutes really cannot be explained in words. I love America, but no Church in America ever looks anything like the Churches in Rome. 

      The Trevi Fountain, though beautiful during the day, seemed much better last night. Last night when Nora, Anthony, Adrian and I were at the fountain there were maybe ten other people there, if that. Today there were tourists everywhere, vendors trying to shove all different toys and flowers in our faces, and people saying in every language imaginable, "Can you take a picture for us?" The fountain though is still one of my favorite spots in Rome. The boys and I spent awhile today just studying it- we each chose our favorite part of it. I love the horse emerging from the cement and water to the right of the fountain. The horse looks so strong and confident and it is so detailed. From its broad and muscular body, to the harness around his mouth, I could spend hours just studying that horse alone. I could not help but think of Luke while looking at it. Adrian liked the wild horse, the one that looked like it could not be tamed, to the left of the fountain. Anthony and Ricardo both commented on liking Poseidon whom is located in the center, despite the fact his trident is missing (rumor has it that it has broken off).

       Rome seemed so busy again today. Part of me wonders when the Italians even work. Siesta takes place everyday from 1pm to 4pm. Most of the shops and even some restaurants close so people can go home and relax. Kids can be seen on the streets, some up to no good, as early as noon time. For lunch today I got shrimp pizza. Once again, Im trying to try new things each day given our selection. Shrimp pizza most definitely was not one of my favorites! Nor am I a big fan of the "light" Coca-Cola as opposed to "diet" coke...yes they taste different!!!

    We ventured into several stores and shops on our way back from the Trevi and Spanish Steps. One of the store owners actually offered us free wine and liquor tasting. The owner then proceeded to tell us her 8 year old son was in the back of the store drinking Moscato. Wait...what! We met two girls our age from Lithuania in this store. They were really nice. We did our best to communicate with them in English and through that learned the drinking age in Lithuania is 18.
     I was exhausted when I got back to campus, having walked another five or so miles, and quickly conked out in my bed. I awoke to Adrian and Nora having brought me dinner. It was so sweet and very yummy I must say. It was a Hotdog wrapped in Pretzel and covered in Sesame Seed with a light Coca-Cola. They know me way too well.
    Everyone went out to the bar tonight, but Adrian and I decided to stay in. I am tired and am preparing to do a lot of homework and studying tomorrow. Adrian and I walked around out side of campus to get a little pizza snack across the street and some soda. Now he is uploading photos to his computer and Facebook stalking while I am writing this Blog. It is starting to get late and I will probably try to go to bed soon. Nora and I have not been getting goodnight sleeps at all. The dorms are so loud and we lay in bed unable to fall asleep for hours. All you can hear is slamming of doors, girls blow drying their hair at 1am, yelling and talking. It lasts every night until 5 am and continues right back up at 8am. Last night we fell asleep to talking and screaming girls and awoke at the crack of dawn to the cleaning ladies yelling back and forth in Italian.
   This weekend we are really all hoping to go to Florence. There is a big group of us that wants to go, so Im hoping that all works out. I got some AWESOME news of my best friends from home Sarah is coming to Rome for the semester and I got her address today. She is literally RIGHT down the street... less than a 8 minute walk!!!! :D She will be here next Wednesday! I am so excited to have a little bit of home here with me. Well, it is getting close to bed time.

Saw this statue today inside one of the churches. made me think of my mom, Aunt Ro, Nana, and Aunt Mary....guess who it is!? :) <3

Missing my mom and dad today lots. love you both!!!!

XOXO Shann

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