Thursday, April 5, 2012


          I still cannot believe it...I am in Ireland! I have dreamed about coming to Ireland since I was a little girl and now I am finally here. It is a dream come true...literally!!! I have only been here for half a day and I can already say for a fact I am in love. I feel so at home in Ireland...I guess with a name like Shannon that is expected! It is so nice that everyone speaks English as well. It was so comforting while asking for directions, ordering food and site seeing to be able to communicate. Why again did my ancestors come to America!? ;)
         Adrian, Dana, Sean, Nora and I are all spending this week together traveling. Our flight today went really well. Everything just seemed to work out the way we planned it...which doesn't happen often!!! We all knew we were going to love Ireland as soon as we stepped off the plane. The first thing I saw was a Bagel shop. I haven't had a Bagel since I left America....or real bacon. I got BOTH!!!!! It was absolutely delicious.

Our Hostel in Ireland is right in the heart of Dublin called Kinlay House. It over looks the streets of Dublin and is a block away from Trinity College, ten feet away from Christ Church Cathedral, a few blocks from St. Patrick's Cathedral, on the same street as countless pubs, restaurants, a few blocks away from the Guinness Factory and more.

       Our flight got into Dublin around 5pm France time. We gained an hour in Ireland though so it was actually four which has proved to be very convenient. We took a bus from the airport right to our Hostel. It only costs 6 Euro to do so. By the time we got settled in it was about 6pm. The Hostel offered a free dinner at 7:30 and we did not want to miss that (broke college students!). So, we wondered around the streets for about an hour. We went and checked out Christ Church Cathedral which was gorgeous. There was also a garden within the gates of the Cathedral. Even though its very cold here it was still all in bloom and GREEN. 

      Located in the courtyard of the Cathedral is also the ruins to a church that dates back to 1537 AD. Its not much to look at but just the fact that history is here is amazing. It was the chapter house of the Augustinian Canons.

         We also wondered into a gift shop. It was pure luck I did not buy the entire thing out. So much of the things in one of the Celtic shops reminded me of home and the things my mom has around the house. My mom told me today when she went to Ireland she felt so connected to the people. I can see exactly what she means. Everyone here has been so nice from the people on our flight to the Hostel to the shop owners. I just love it so far. I don't know how else to put it.
     We made it back in time for dinner. It was a BBQ outside just some bread and sausage basically. We all got some, but knew we would be hungry later on. It was really delicious though I have to say.
       After dinner we did a little more wandering, but it was getting late and we were starting to get hungry again. We checked out a bunch of restaurants and then settled on pizza because it was the cheapest! Adrian, Sean and I got a chili pepper pizza. The three of us love spicy food so we thought why not. It was by far the spiciest pizza I have had in my entire life. I could not even finish it!! Sean was in tears and barely ate any and Adrian was a trooper....but even he complained it was too spicy!
    We all really wanted to check out some pubs tonight, but decided to turn in early. Which is exactly why I have time to write this Blog!! Adrian and I spent sometime with the Hostel today trying to figure out the best way (cheapest and time wise) to get to Galway We are going to see the famous Cliffs of Moher. We decided on tomorrow because it is Good Friday and everything here closes on Good Friday. We also want to do the Guinness Factory one day and so it all worked out that we are going tomorrow! Our bus leaves at 7am! So an early bed time is rather necessary.
    I know this Blog post is short, but I want to try and Blog as much as possible without missing out on things. I also want to make sure I remember every last detail of this trip...I am very thankful I have this Blog to help me with that.
    It is crazy to think today I flew into Ireland and exactly one month from today I will be flying home to New York. Time flies. I cannot get over it.
     Thank you again to everyone who has supported me on this adventure. Especially my mom and dad. I am determined that one day we will come back to Ireland as a family. I love being here with my friends so much...but I cannot help but think how great it would be to be here with my parents and sisters. I just know they would love it here. One day we are going to all do this together. I just know it.
    Well, a busy day tomorrow. Lets hope they can get me to leave Galway! One of my favorite songs is Galway Girl from the movie P.S. I love you....if you don't know should check it out :)


1 comment:

  1. My favorite Shannon named after the Shannon river is in my favorite place (besides America). It is my dream as well for the six of us to walk in the steps of our brave ancestors who because of them we have this blessed life. Enjoy honey,be safe, learn lots and be grateful for the people who came before us!
