Friday, May 4, 2012

My Trip of a Lifetime... My Final Post. Goodbye Europe.

   "There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again" -Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

      Four months ago I left Upstate New York a very different girl. People joke often about Study Abroad kids saying they think they are so "worldly" now that they studied abroad and know so much about other cultures...and all jokes aside...I really do feel like I have become much more "worldly". I did not only learn a lot about different cultures, countries and lifestyles, but I also learned a whole lot about other people...but most of all...I learned a lot about myself. A lot has changed in these four months..some good and some bad. I got to meet some really great people, I got to spend so much time with my other half and best friend Adrian, I got to travel the world, I crossed countless items off my bucket list, came out of my comfort zone and came to appreciate my parents more than ever before. One thing that truly did not change these last four months was how unbelievably thankful I am for my parents and the opportunities they have provided me with. I look forward to the day when I can give my own children the same opportunities I was given.
    I truly believe everything is meant to happen for a reason. I suppose I was much more naive and trusting just a few months ago. The lessons I learned here, good and bad... will stay with me forever.
     I have become very fond of a quote by Oprah this trip. I feel like it sums up a lot about what I learned this trip about myself, "I was once afraid of people saying, who does she think she is? Now I have the courage to stand and say, THIS IS WHO I AM."
   I learned quite a lot in the classroom while abroad; I can tell you just about everything you could ever want to know about the functions of the European Union. I could also tell you a bunch of Metaphysical Philosophers and their theories, what it means to be Moral in the Marketplace and if I am lucky I might still even be able to recite the Spanish Alphabet. With that said, I learned a whole lot more outside of the classroom than I did inside of the classroom.
   I decided for this last Blog post I will highlight some of my favorite moments and memories in Europe. To recap four months into one post would be nearly impossible...but I will do my best to recap as much as I can...Starting with my first stop in Europe...Rome, Italy!
   I often miss Rome. As many know I visited the summer before I entered into St. John's University and I loved Italy then. My life turned around the first time I went to Italy... a lot happened my senior year of High School and Italy was my fresh start. Going back to Italy again Sophomore Year is college was a blessing.
    Italy is a beautiful country and it tops my list of places my parents NEED to visit. Every aspect of Italy reminded me of my parents and how much they would love it. One of the best things about Italy of course was the food and wine. Although Italian food in Italy is not exactly what one would still is delicious. I came to appreciate the food much more once I was in Spain. Also, in Italy we had meal tickets not a Cafeteria like in Spain and France so we got to eat out at all sorts of restaurants. I felt like I really got to know the culture this way. When it comes to wine, although I am not a big drinker, I came to truly appreciate wine while abroad. I am convinced wine can never be indulged on, but instead thoroughly enjoyed. Here is just a few of my delicious meals and glasses of wine!!!

    Of course I cannot highlight Italy without mentioning the fact I got to meet up with one of my best friends from High School, Sarah. To be able to spend a little time with Sarah in Italy is something I will never forget. I was able to see a familiar face from home and someone who knew me growing up. We had some really fun nights and I can just picture us years from now telling our children about the time we got to spend a few weeks together in Italy!

When I went to Italy the summer before Freshmen Year of College at St. John's it was summer time. Italy definitely has a different feel during summer. With that said, I got to witness a snow storm in Italy!!! It was one of the first snow storms in years. Not only did I get to see Italy in summer and winter...but during a historic storm as well! One of my favorite memories will always be hopping on the Metro to visit the Colosseum in the snow!

      Lastly, regarding Rome, seeing the Pope give mass at the Vatican. Although I have my reservations about Religion, to see such a historical figure at the Vatican was such a great experience nonetheless. Despite the rain and having to see mass be given inside instead of in St. Peter's Square it was well worth it. I still cannot believe I got to see the Pope!

       I have talked about in several posts my love for the Island of Capri. That trip tops my highlights of study abroad. Even though it was still technically winter when we visited...It was gorgeous and I had such a great day. The beauty of Capri cannot be put into words. I hope my pictures still do justice!!

Next...more food! Pizza in Naples!!!!!! I still have dreams about that Pizza...not only was it absolutely mouth watering...but it was cheap toooooo!!! Not much is cheap in Italy! Naples in known for having the best pizza in Italy and the place we went to was apparently the best pizza shop in all of Naples.

 Lastly, The Leaning Tower of Pisa! I learned about the Leaning Tower as a kid in school and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be able to see the Tower in person...well...I did!!! That weekend overall, visiting the tower for the first time and visiting Assisi for the second time, was so much fun.

    Other great highlights in Italy I have to mention is the view from the top of Castel San Angelo, spending my one year and Valentines day with Adrian riding the carousal in Rome, visiting the Vatican at Christmas time, seeing the inside of the Colosseum again with Adrian and my trip to the soup kitchen with St. John's.
       Well, now...on to Spain!!!! I had so many great times in Spain. The weather by far was my favorite. Being able to sit in the sun for hours on end and tan during February was ideal. Palm trees, orange trees, the water, beaches and so on. I could go back to Seville forever in a heartbeat. Studying in Seville was like a mini vacation.  I never wanted to leave!!! Besides the weather I had a lot more highlights in Spain. Starting with the Flamenco Show Adrian and I attended. Not only was the Sangria delicious, but the show was fabulous as well. We felt so immersed into the culture and the show was worth every penny. I will never forget that night. I wasn't able to take pictures of the dancers...just the stage and us at the show, but sometimes those memories engrained only in the mind are the best memories of all.

My next highlight in Spain would be the beaches. We did a day trip to Cadiz and two beach trips to Portugal as well. Once again, being able to be on a beach in February was more than I could have ever asked for. Adrian and I had some of our best memories on the beaches in Portugal just running around in the water and building sand castles. I am determined to have a house on a beach someday.

How can I write a Blog about my highlights without mentioning Bungee Jumping in Spain!!!! Not only was that experience totally out of my character, but it was also really fun!! It was one of the first things I did while in Spain and I suppose it was a precursor to many fun times to come. I have never done something so thrilling in my life...and I probably never will again...which is fine with me too!

  Madrid was one of my favorite weekend trips of studying abroad. We got to see so much of the capital city of Spain and it reminded me a lot of NYC, only cleaner.I  can say I have been to the capital city of almost every country I have visited. Madrid, Spain. Rome, Italy. Paris, France. Berlin, Germany. Dublin, Ireland. London, England. Amsterdam, Holland.
Adrian and I also got to see Real Madrid play when they came to Seville so that just adds to my love of Madrid. Seeing Real Madrid play was so exciting. I have never experienced a sporting event like that in my life. The fans were so passionate. It was also really last minute...Adrian and I went on a total whim and it ended up being one of my best memories abroad.

If I had to pick one highlight of my entire trip would not be a difficult choice. I think Adrian would agree as well. My all time favorite memory in both Spain and overall is hands down Horseback Riding on the beach in Seville. Just thinking about that day I get the chills. It was a very emotional experience for me. I had never been on a horse before and here I was riding through the hills of Seville and eventually through the ocean water and on the beach. It also put a lot into perspective for me that day... I thought a lot about my sisters friend Luke who died of cancer this year and his love for horses. I felt so connected to the horses and I felt like he directed Adrian and I on this adventure. Adrian and I also had a lot of laughs that day... for instance as his horse lifted up its tail and let one rip .... and my horse ran off course into the woods as I screamed! At the end of our horseback riding adventure we had our horses race down the beach side by side. I will never forget the thrill of it all. I have never been so happy in my entire life.

       Although my trip to Morocco would not exactly be considered a highlight of my time abroad it still was a highlighted experience. I learned a lot about the Moroccan Culture and their very different way of life. I also really appreciated my privileged life while I visited Morocco. The highlight of my trip in Morocco would probably be spending the day at the beach and riding a camel!

     Ten weeks of highlights down...six to go! Onto France. My highlight of cheesy as it sounds...would probably have to be the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower. I was really sick, double ear infection, chest infection and a cough...but Adrian, Eduardo and I decided to go out to see the Eiffel Tower anyway. Hindsight, it probably wasn't my brightest idea...but still it is now a great memory. The three of us sat on a ledge by the river, just staring at the Tower and reminiscing about life. Eduardo and Adrian were my first best friends at St. John's and to be in Paris with both of them looking up at the Eiffel Tower surreal. We talked about things only the three of us would understand and I felt really content. I forgot my camera that I do not have any pictures to capture the moment...but that is okay. No picture could really describe that moment anyway. Here are some pictures of the Eiffel Tower I took during my stay in Paris.

     Spring Break overall was a highlight of my time in Europe. I just simply loved everything about pick one highlight of Ireland would be difficult. Of course, the Cliffs of Moher were breathtaking. Also, I recently found out the Cliffs are featured in the Harry Potter movies!!! Who would have known.

      The night we all went to the Irish Pub was also so much fun. The pub was really authentic. I got fish and chips and a delicious glass of wine. The band played all of my favorite songs including, "Galway Girl" and the "Cotton-Eyed Joe". I will never forget dancing along to the Cotten-Eyed Joe and Adrian laughing at me. The band even used bagpipes while playing!!

     Of course seeing Trinity College, the Guinness Factory, Dublin Castle and so on were all highlights too. Ireland has definitely not seen the last of me!!!! Ireland was by far my favorite place in Europe. I felt so connected to the people and culture. I look forward to sharing Ireland with my family one day.
   Germany was unlike any other place I have been to in Europe. It is still deeply impacted by World War II. My highlight in Germany would probably have been seeing the Berlin Wall. The history behind the wall, including the emotion and passion, brought me to tears. I know so much more about the Berlin Wall because of my visit.

    Other highlights in Germany would be Alexanderplatz the famous square and Checkpoint Charlie. Though it feels wrong to say visiting the Sachenhausen Concentration Camp was a highlight was something that will forever be engrained in my memory. Believe it or not, I still have nightmares from that experience. It was not a highlight of my trip, but it was something that I felt made me grow as a person and appreciate my life so much more.

    London was another awesome stop on Spring Break. My highlight in London would probably be seeing Big Ben and the London Eye during the day. I remember doing a project on London in Third Grade and learning all about Big Ben. To see such a structure up close and personal is just another...dream come true!! I feel like I repeat that a lot, but it is fact. A lot of what I did abroad was dreams that came true.

      After Spring Break definitely one of my highlights would be going to visit Normandy. Although it was a very emotional experience it was entirely worth it. I recently wrote a Blog post about my trip to Normandy and in order to avoid repeating myself I will leave it at that. Feel free to check it out!

 Lastly, my most recent highlight would be Adrian and I's day trip to Amsterdam. We had so much fun and unlike most trips we have gone on that are strictly scheduled and running from one place to another.... we took the day easy seeing everything we could, but rushing nowhere. We had a lot of laughs and a lot of fun. It was a really nice last weekend in Europe. 

   I have so many more highlights throughout my trip, but to cover the last four months in this one Blog post would be insane! So, I hope you enjoyed my main highlights at least. Feel free to read my posts throughout the last four months if you have not had the chance to do so. I cover so much more! do you sum up four months of life into one Blog post? Damn. My study abroad experience cannot be summed up in one simple Blog post and through a few pictures. My experience, though written down, is something I will take with me in my heart everywhere for the rest of my life. I have attempted to put it into words for the last four months my experience, but words alone do not do my trip of a lifetime justice. Even so, I am beyond thankful I have these words.
   I have heard many criticisms over the last few days and weeks about people that are constantly blogging about their trip. Not for a single second do I regret a single moment I was blogging. The main criticism I have heard is, "Why waste your time blogging when you can be out living?" or "I would rather be experiencing life then blogging about it." or "Word can't describe my experiences." Frankly, keeping this Blog has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I look back on my first few posts from Rome and Spain and I barely even remember those experiences now. I am so thankful I have this Blog detailing my experience to look back on over the summer, years from now and share with my own children someday. I know for a fact I did not miss out on a single thing while I was Blogging. Actually, I think I gained so much more because I remember my experiences entirely from my Blog and will continue to remember them forever. The greatest gift I ever gave myself was this Blog and even though I wrote it for myself... I hope others were able to get something out of it as well. I am so thankful for this experience and the least I could do for my parents, friends and family members is give them something to read so they know what I am up to.
   Tomorrow morning when I board my flight back to New York I will probably be a wreck. So many emotions are running through my head right now I am not even sure where to begin. Leaving Adrian is going to be extremely difficult. This will be our second summer apart for four months and the end of my time in Europe also means the end of my time with Adrian. Out of the two years we have been friends..if you add up all the time... a year of that time has been spent apart. It has been an absolute honor to spend my time in Europe with such a kind, selfless and unique person. We have been through so much together in Europe and we will get through this summer with grace as well. I am beyond thankful my boyfriend is also my best friend and I look forward to many more once in a lifetime experiences with him. Without him by my side this experience just would not have been the same. I will also really miss Ricardo this summer. Ricardo no matter what has always been a great friend to me and a great cousin to Adrian. I consider Ricardo Adrian's brother and I am so glad I can also consider Ricardo my best friend.
   I will also be a wreck because I am not sure if I will ever be back to Europe. I like to think I will be a famous journalist traveling the world someday, but life does not always go according to plan. Leaving Europe is also closing a chapter in my life. A chapter that I am not quite sure I am ready to leave behind. That is life though...constantly moving and constantly changing. I am blessed for the time I had in Europe and I cannot ask for anything more.
  I will also be officially half way done with College. It feels like just yesterday I was finishing my Sophomore Year of High School and now I am entering into my Junior Year of College. I cannot believe it. Two years of my undergrad are behind me and the two hardest years are ahead. I am ready for the challenge though. In High School I did not have many people believing in me academically. College was a clean slate and I was ready. In College I proved everyone wrong. I got the grades I needed to get and went above and beyond. I look forward to the next two years at St. John's University and the furthering of my studies.
   Lastly, I will probably be a wreck out of excitement. I haven't see my family, pets, house, room or even good ol' Upstate NY in four months. I miss my family so much another month without them would likely kill me. I really came to appreciate my family in Europe. My sisters are my best friends and will be for the rest of my life. I am one lucky girl.
    I have traveled the world, seen ten countries in four months, countless cities, met all sorts of people and tried all sorts of food. When it comes down to it though, home is home. I can travel the world and leave for months at a time, but there is nothing in the world like home. I am coming home. 
   This Blog/Chapter of my life may be coming to a close... but you haven't heard the last of me yet! With a lot of thought and consultation with Adrian it has been decided I will be starting a whole new Blog in the fall about my adventures in New York City. Adrian and I plan on doing a ton of things in the city in the fall and taking full advantage of everything. Keep an eye out for my Blog, "New York City is my Playground"... hopefully it will be up and running by mid August :)
   Well...this is it... never thought I would get this emotional. When you are living out your sort of figure it will never end. It is crazy to think I possibly just finished out the best four months of my life.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed this Blogging experience. Thank you to my loyal readers. Without you this Blogging experience would have been a lot more difficult. But most of all...thanks to my mom and dad. I love you both so very much. You have provided me with this trip of a lifetime. Your support and love is something I strive to implement with my own children someday. You are the two greatest people I have ever met. I am so fortunate. See you all in just a few hours.

And, I leave you with my favorite quote of all time. That seems relevant now more than ever.

"Before you ask which way to go, remember where you've been"


